京都府立医科大学雑誌 京都府立医科大学雑誌


鈴木 敏弘 Toshihiro Suzuki




The treatment for aural infection associated with MRSA

Toshihiro Suzuki

Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science

The spread of MRSA infection has recently become a serious problem in the field of otology, and aural infection by MRSA is frequently encountered in daily medical practice. Here, we present an outline of the treatment for aural infection associated with MRSA used in our department. The essential aspects of conservative and surgical treatment are demonstrated, and effective perisurgical usage of anti-MRSA antibiotics is discussed. It is important to devise an overall treatment plan including surgery and use of anti-MRSA antibiotics for patients with aural infection due to MRSA.

Key Words: MRSA, Otitis media, Cholesteatoma, Tympanoplasty.


山口 正秀,ほか

山口 正秀1,野口 明則1,谷直樹1,中島 慎吾1,伊藤 忠雄1 中西 正芳1,菅沼泰1
岡野 晋治1, 山根 哲郎1 中島 和広2,中野 泰彦2,牛嶋陽2, 川端 健二3


  当院では2005年10月より,乳癌術前症例に積極的にFDG-PET/CTを併用し転移診断を行っている.2007年2月までにPET を施行し組織診断が確定した72例において腋窩リンパ節転移について検討した.偽陰性,偽陽性症例については造影CT US の所見も合わせて検討した.72症例のPETの診断結果はsensitivity: 61% specificity: 96% accuracy: 88%であった.偽陰性症例は7例で3例がUS で,1例がCTで腋窩リンパ節転移の可能性が高いと診断した.また,2例がT4b症例 であった.さらに,センチネルリンパ節生検により4例が転移陽性と診断された.偽陽性症例は2例であった.乳癌術前のPETによる腋窩リンパ節転移診断は早期乳癌症例に対しては,sensitivityが低く,転移巣の描出にはサイズが1cm以上でなければならないと考えられるため,実際の臨床ではセンチネルリンパ節生検の併用が必要であると考えた.PETは症例を選択すれば有効であるが偽陰性症例への対策としては,術前US,CTの画像診断とセンチネルリンパ節生検,臨床所見含む総合的な診断が重要であると考えた.

キーワード:PET US CT,センチネルリンパ節生検,乳癌.

Prospective evaluation of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan(FDG-PET/CT)for axillary staging in breast cancer

Masahide Yamaguchi1, Akinori Noguchi1, Naoki Tani1, Shingo Nakashima1, Tadao Itoh1, Masayoshi Nakanishi1, Yashushi Suganuma1, Shinji Okano1, Tetsurou Yamane1
Kazuhiro Nakajima2, Yasuhiko Nakano2, Yoh Ushijima2and Kenji Kawabata3

1Department of Surgery, Matsushita Memorial Hospital
2Department of Radiology, Matsushita Memorial Hospital
3Department of Pathology, Matsushita Memorial Hospital

Seventy-two patients from 2005 October to 2007 Feburary with operative breast cancer underwent fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan (FDG-PET /CT) of chest and body, ultrasound scan (US) and enhanced computed tomography scan (CT) followed by sentinel lymph node biopsy(SLNB) and axillary lymph node dissection(ALND). The results of PET/CT were compared with histopathological diagnosis of SLNB and ALND. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of PET/CT for detection of axillary lymph node metastases were 61%, 96% and 88%, respectively. Seven false-negative and two false-positive of PET/CT results were found. In patients with false-negative of PET/CT results there are two skin-invasive breast cancer patients and axillary lymph node metastases were detected in three patients with US, in one with CT and in four with SLNB. In clinical method for diagnosis of axillary lymph node metastases SLNB should be recommended because sensitivity of PET/CT for early breast cancer patients were low and positive diagnosis of axillary lymph node metastases with PET needs more than 1 cm size of lesion. PET/CT is useful for not-early breast cancer patients. To decide the operation of axillary lymph node disection needs total diagnosis of US, CT, SLNB and clinical findings.

Key Words: PET US CT, Sentinel lymph node biopsy, Breast cancer.

徳永 大作,ほか


徳永 大作1,2,北條 達也2,久保 俊一2

1京都府立医科大学 生体材料・生体力学講座
2京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科 運動器機能再生外科学(整形外科学教室)

  新たな疾患修飾性抗リウマチ薬と生物学的製剤の開発は,関節リウマチ(RA)の治療に大きな変革をもたらした.発症早期に集中的な治療を行うことで,疾患の形成を予防できる可能性が得られ,早期診断の必要性が高まった.現在,RAの診断にはACRのRA分類基準(1987 年改訂)がgold standardとして使用されている.基準では, 関節症状は6 週間以上持続しなければRA と診断できないという問題点があり,早期の関節炎の予後を判定する力には乏しい.近年,抗CCP抗体の開発や,MRIを用いた新しい技術を用いた,RAの超早期診断を目的とした研究が行われている.関節炎を有するが,RAの診断基準を満たさないundifferentiated arthritis(UA)の予後を予測し,将来的にRAに進行する症例を早くピックアップするための取り組みを紹介し,臨床の現場においてRAと鑑別が必要な疾患を解説する.


Early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis

Daisaku Tokunaga1,2, Tatsuya Hojo2 and Toshikazu Kubo2

1Department of Biomaterials and Biomechanics, Kyoto Prefectural University of medicine
2Department of Orthopaedics, Graduate School of Medical Science,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Newly developed disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and biological agents that target tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) have dramatically improved the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Since significant radiographic damage may be observed in many patients in the early years following the onset of RA, early diagnosis and aggressive treatment have gained importance for rheumatologists who treat patients with arthritis. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria are no longer adequate for early diagnosis of this disease, i.e., diagnosis during the “window of opportunity,” which is defined as the early phase of the disease when the therapeutic response is favorable. Identifying patients with undifferentiated arthritis who will develop RA and other progressive diseases is important as this will facilitate their early treatment.

Key Words: Rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis, Diagnosis.

杉本 徹


杉 本 徹

現 済生会滋賀県病院

進歩により,長期生存と治癒が期待できるようになってきた. このようなことから, 小児悪性腫瘍は小児科学分野での大切な領域と言える.臨床で治療した小児悪性腫瘍の患児の臨床検体から細胞株を樹立し,臨床と研究に還元することを
試みてきた.1983年から四半世紀の間に樹立する機会に恵まれた小児悪性腫瘍細胞株は29株である.その内訳は,①神経芽腫(16種),②横紋筋肉腫(3種), ③Ewing 肉腫family腫瘍(5種),④横紋筋肉腫様腫瘍malignant rhabdoid tumor
(MRT)(4種),⑤malignant soft part sarcoma of melanoma(1種)の計29種である.


Contribution of our established pediatric malignant cell lines to clinical and basic medical science

Tohru Sugimoto

Department of Pediatrics, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Saiseikai Shiga Hospital

In Japan, malignancies are the leading cause of disease death among children under 15 years of age except for infants, accounting for 30% of total deaths. About 1,000 children die every year from malignancies. Child malignancies are
susceptible to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which have recently led to improvements in long-term-survival and cure rate. In this aspect child malignancy is one of the most important fields in pediatrics. During the last 25 years since
1983, we have established 29 pediatric malignant cell lines from our treated children, including neuroblastoma (n=16), rhabdomyosarcoma (n=3), Ewing sarcoma family tumor (n=5), malignant rhabdoid tumor (n=4) and clear cell
sarcoma of soft parts (n=1). These cell lines remind us of our treated and eventually deceased patients, and motivate us to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic methods. In addition, our cell lines have been used by other researchers in Japan and other countries who have read our published articles. Here we review our experience with these cell lines and how they have contributed to our understanding of the cell and molecular biology of child tumors.

Key Words: Pediatric malignant cell line, Establishment, Medical science.

高羽 夏樹,ほか

前立腺癌における核マトリックスタンパク high mobility group protein AT-hook 1(HMGA1)の役割

髙羽 夏樹1,2,竹内 一郎2,三木 恒治1,2


  High mobility group protein AT-hook 1(以下,HMGA1と略す.)はhigh mobility group proteinに属する核マトリックスタンパクのひとつで,種々の器官の発生段階で豊富に発現されるが,正常の成熟組織では発現が著名に低下もしくは消失する.
一方,HMGA1は多くの生物学的悪性度の高い癌に発現していることが報告されている.本稿では,前立腺癌におけるHMGA1の役割について論じる.ヒト前立腺癌細胞株では,染色体異常の多いものにHMGA1が豊富に発現している.LNCaPにHMGA1を強制発現すると,新たなunbalanced chromosomal translocationが形成された.ラット前立腺癌細胞株では転移能を有する細胞株においてHMGA1の発現が認められる.非転移株にHMGA1を強制発現させると,腫瘍増大,浸潤能,proMMP-2の産生のいずれもが促進された.前立腺癌のトランスジェニックモデルであるTRAMPマウスにおいては,前立腺癌が発生・進展する過程の比較的遅い時期にHMGA1の発現が誘導されることが確認された.以上の所見より,HMGA1は前立腺癌の進展において重要な役割を果たす分子の候補であると考えられる.

キーワード:前立腺癌,核マトリックス,High mobility group protein A-T hook 1,染色体組換え,Matrix metalloproteinase 2.

The role of nuclear matrix high mobility group protein AT-hook 1(HMGA1)in prostate cancer

Natsuki Takaha1,2, Ichiro Takeuchi2 and Tsuneharu Miki1,2

1Department of Translational Cancer Drug Development,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
2Department of Urology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science

High mobility group protein AT-hook 1(HMGA1)is one of the high mobility group nuclear matrix proteins, which is overexpressed during embryogenesis and is barely or not expressed in normal differentiated adult tissues. HMGA1 has been reported to be expressed in many types of cancers associated with aggressive phenotype. In this review, we discuss the role of HMGA1 in prostate cancer. High level of HMGA1 is expressed in human prostate cancer cells with abundant chromosomal aberrations . Overexpression of HMGA1 in LNCaP induced new unbalanced chromosomal translocations. In rat prostate cancer cells, the expression of HMGA1 is associated with metastatic potential and overexpression of HMGA1 in non-metastatic subline induced enhanced tumor growth, invasion potential and expression of proMMP-2.
The expression of HMGA1 is induced at relatively later stage of cancer development in TRAMP mouse transgenic model of prostate cancer. These findings suggest that this molecule is a strong candidate playing a critical role in the progression of prostate cancer.

Key Words: Prostate cancer, Nuclear matrix, High mobility group protein A-T hook 1,
  Chromosomal rearrangement, Matrix metalloproteinase 2.

間嶋 孝,ほか

間嶋孝1,榊原 次夫1,植松 靖之2


  交通外傷が原因と考えられる遅発性外傷性横隔膜ヘルニアの1症例を経験した. 症例は66才,男性,交通事故による胸部外傷にて他病院に約一か月入院,その後特に胸部症状無く日常生活を送っていた.胸部外傷の9ヵ月後に急に嘔気・嘔吐を認め来院した.胸部単純X線・胸部CT並びに上部消化管造影検査にて左胸腔内に胃の脱出を認め,横隔膜ヘルニアによる消化管嵌頓の診断にて手術を施行した.手術所見では左横隔膜の腱中心近傍に約8cmの裂孔を認めた.この横隔膜の裂孔部から胃体部が胸腔内に脱出・嵌頓していた.横隔膜の孔を介し腹腔と胸腔は直接つながっており,ヘルニア嚢は認めなかった.手術所見から遅発性の外傷性横隔膜ヘルニアと診断した.


A case of delayed traumatic hernia of diaphragm after a blunt injury

Takashi Majima1, Tsuguo Sakakibara1and Yasuyuki Uematsu2

1Department of Surgery, Higashiohmi Keiai Hospital
2Department of Internal Medicine, Higashiohmi Keiai Hospital

A 66-year-old man was admitted to our hospital 9 months after left thoracic injury in a traffic accident. Immediately after the accident, he had been admitted to another hospital for a month due to left clavicle and left ribs fractures. After discharge from the hospital, he had experienced no everyday problems. Nine months after the accident, he felt nausea and vomited. On admission, chest radiography, CT scan, and a radiological study of showed that the stomach had herniated into the pleural cavity through the diaphragm. We diagnosed as a delayed traumatic hernia of the diaphragm and performed laparotomy. The body of the stomach had herniated into the pleural cavity through the hernial pouch on the left side of the diaphragm. The poach was 8 cm in diameter and located near the central tendon of the diaphragm. These findings led us to the diagnosis of delayed diaphragmatic hernia 9 months after thoratic injury. Twenty three days after the operation, he was discharged from the hospital. Delayed traumatic hernia of the diaphragm is rare, so we report this case.

Key Words: Diaphragmatic hernia, Thoracic injury, Blunt trauma.

六反 一仁,ほか



六反 一仁,西田 憲生,増田 清志


  活性酸素は細胞機能調節因子であり,同時に,発がん,動脈硬化や老化などを引き起こす分子である.最近,貪食細胞のNADPHオキシダーゼの酵素本体であるgp91-phoxの新しいホモログが6種類発見され,NADPH oxidase(NOX)/dual oxidase(DUOX)ファミリーと命名された.
各々組織・細胞特異的に発現し,特有の機能を持つと考えられている.なかでも,NOX1は最も研究されおり,p22-phox,NOX organizer 1,NOX activator 1,及びRac1からなる複合体酵素である.NOX1由来の活性酸素は消化管粘膜の自然免疫応答と発がんに関与することが示唆されており,それぞれの環境に応じてToll様受容体を介して活性化される.ヒトの胃ではNOX1は胃がん細胞に特異的に発現する.
大腸では,NOX1は構成的に発現しており,腺腫や分化型腺がんで発現が亢進している.NOX1と異常増殖の関連を示す証拠はないが, nuclear factor κBの活性化によるアポトーシス耐性の誘導等を介して腫瘍形成を助長している可能性が考えられている.


Biology of NOX/DUOX Family

Kazuhito Rokutan, Keisei Nishida and Kiyoshi Masuda

Department of Stress Science, Institute of Health Biosciences,
University of Tokushima Graduate School

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in a variety of physiological and pathological processes including regulation of cell growth, inflammation, carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis, and aging. Recently, six homologues of gp91-
phox have been identified and named systematically as the NADPH oxidase (NOX)/dual oxidase (DUOX) family. These functionally distinct homologues show development-and tissue-specific expression patterns. Among these family
members, NOX1 is most extensively studied and is now recognized as a multicomponent enzyme system consisting of NOX1, p22-phox, Rac1, and novel homologues of p47-phox and p67-phox, designated NOX organizer 1 and NOX
activator 1, respectively. It is suggested that NOX1-derived ROS are involved in innate immunity and in the pathogenesis of inflammation-associated tumor development. The human stomach does not express NOX1, while NOX1 is
specifically expressed in both intestinal- and diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinomas. In the human colon, NOX1 is constitutively expressed in surface mucosal epithelial cells, and its expression is up-regulated in adenomas and well
differentiated adenocarcinomas. Although NOX1 expression may not be directly linked to mitogenic activity, NOX1-derived ROS may exert a cancer-promoting effect by increasing resistance to programmed cell death of tumor cells through
activation of nuclear factor κB.

Key Words: NOX/DUOX family, NOX1, Reactive oxygen species, Innate immunity, Carcinogenesis.

中田 徹男



中田 徹男




The role of nitric oxide and the effect on the organ damage

Tetsuo Nakata

Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Division of Pathological Science,
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University

contribute to organ protection or maintain homeostasis. On the contrary, in some
conditions, produced by inducible NOS, it has strong effects on organ damage, especially in cerebro-cardiovascular organ. It means NO has two character. In this paper, I will mention about the role of the NO in the cerebro-cardiovascular system
and the relations between oxidative stress and rennin-angiotennsin-aldosterone system.

Key Words; NO, NOS, Organ damage, Oxidative stress,Rennin-angiotennsin-aldosterone system.

勝山 真人



勝山 真人 




Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of NOX1,a new member of superoxide-generating enzyme

Masato Katsuyama

Department of Pharmacology,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

enzyme. It was recently found as a non-phagocyte NOX expressed in colon epithelial cells(CEC)and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). NOX1 is
constitutively highly expressed in CEC, while its expression is up-regulated by vasoactive factors in VSMC. We analyzed mechanisms of the transcriptional regulation of NOX1 in VSMC and found that an mRNA with a distinct 5’
-terminus is transcribed with the phenotypic modulation of VSMC. We also clarified mechanisms of the transcriptional regulation of NOX1 by vasoactive factors.

Key Words: NOX1, Colon epithelial cell, Vascular smooth muscle cell, Phenotypic modulation, Prostaglandin F2α.

矢部 千尋


矢部 千尋


慢性肉芽腫症の原因遺伝子の解析により食細胞のNADPH oxidaseについてこれまで多くのデータが集積されてきた.近年この酵素の触媒サブユニットNOXの新しいホモログが見出されたことからNOX/DUOXファミリーの存在が明らかとなっ
た.NOX2が慢性肉芽腫症発症に関わる分子種であり, 甲状腺組織にてH2O2を生成することにより甲状腺ホルモンの合成に関わっているDUOX2は先天性甲状腺機能低下症に関わる分子種である.実験動物においては先天的に耳石(平衡
砂)を欠如したhead tiltマウスの遺伝子解析からNOX3が内耳前庭機能の維持に必須であることが示された.また著者らの研究を含めたこれまでの知見によると,NOX1は血管平滑筋細胞において内皮由来のNOを不活化することでアンギオテ
ンシン(Ang)Ⅱの昇圧反応に関わっていると考えられる.その他にも虚血・再灌流障害など多様な病態にNADPH oxidaseが関与することが報告されており,NOX/DUOXファミリー遺伝子の異常による疾患はまだ多数存在する可能性がある.


Genetic abnormalities and phenotypes demonstrated in the NOX/DUOX family

Chihiro Yabe

Department of Molecular Pharmacology,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

NADPH oxidase was initially identified as the superoxide-generating enzyme in the phagocyte. The discovery of NADPH oxidase came from the clinical research on the genetic disorder known as chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). Further
characterization of the catalytic subunit of the phagocyte enzyme revealed the existence of the NOX/DUOX family members. DUOX2 is among the members recently known to generate hydrogen peroxide essential for thyroid hormogenesis. This is based on the findings in patients with congenital hypothyroidism harboring mutations in the DUOX2 gene. On the other hand, a reverse genetics approach revealed that NOX3 in the inner ear is responsible for the vestibular defect demonstrated in the ‘head tilt’ mutant mouse. The physiological role of NOX1 was identified in the vascular system using our Nox1-deficient mouse infused with angiotensin Ⅱ(AngⅡ). Superoxide derived from NOX1 reduces the bioavailability of nitric oxide, thereby regulating the pressor response to AngⅡ. As recent animal studies suggest the involvement of the NOX/DUOX family in the pathogenesis of various cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological diseases, numerous genetic abnormalities of the family may well be disclosed in humans with such disorders.

Key Words: Chronic granulomatous disease, Congenital hypothyroidism,Hypertension.

國場 幸均,ほか


國場 幸均,中西 正芳,大辻 英吾


  大腸癌に対する腹腔鏡下大腸切除術(Laparoscopic assisted colectomy, LAC) は急速な進歩を遂げ現在様々な施設で施行されるようになったが,腹腔鏡下手術の有用性を考えれば今後さらに当術式を施行する施設は増加することが予想される.腹腔鏡下手術には開腹手術のみを施行しているときには気がつかない腹腔鏡手術特有の解剖学的な知識,鉗子操作が必要である.早期大腸癌は本術式の利点を最大限に生かせる良い適応であり,腸管授動を十分に行えば血管処理は体外操作で可能であるため本法導入には最もよい適応である.一方で,進行癌に対しては慎重な手術手技が要求される.炭酸ガスの気腹による癌
細胞の散布やリンパ節の郭清度の低下などが問題視されているが,腫瘍は直接鉗子で絶対に把持してはならないことはいうまでもなく,なるべく操作が腫瘍部に及ばない配慮が必要である(non touch technique).腸管および腸間膜は比較的脆弱な組織であるため愛護的な操作も必要とする.しかし,これらは技術的な問題であり内視鏡手術の操作に習熟すれば解決できると思われる.また進行癌の長期予後は現在進行中のRCTの結果を待たねばならないという現状を踏まえると 進行癌に対する手術はあせらずに安全かつ確実な手術手技を習熟し,step by stepで技術に応じて適応を拡大していくべきである.さらには安全に本

キーワード:大腸癌,腹腔鏡下大腸切除術,non touch technique.

Current status and prospects of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer

Yukihito Kokuba, Masayosi Nakanishi and Eigo Otsuji

Department of Digestive Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Department of Laparoscopic Surgery for Digestive Disease,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Laparoscopic-assisted colectomy (LAC) for colorectal cancer has made rapid progress, and has been performed in various centers. The number of centers performing laparoscopic surgery is expected to increase in the future in view of its usefulness. Laparoscopic surgery requires anatomical knowledge and forceps handling, which are specific to laparoscopic surgery and are not recognized as important when open abdominal surgery alone is performed. Early colorectal cancer is the best indication for laparoscopic surgery because its advantages are fully utilized and sufficient bowel mobilization enables blood vessel sealing outside the body. On the other hand, the treatment of advanced cancer
requires meticulous surgical techniques. The usefulness of laparoscopic surgery has been questioned because of CO2-pneumoperitoneum-induced cancer cell seeding and insufficient lymph-node dissection. The tumor should never be grasped directly with forceps, and as much care as possible should be taken not to penetrate the tumor region. The bowel and mesentery are relatively weak tissues, requiring gentle manipulation. However, these are technical problems, which are resolved if the surgeon is skilled in laparoscopic procedures. Since the long-term prognosis of advanced cancer must await the results of RCTs that are currently in progress, surgeons should steadily acquire safe, reliable surgical techniques and extend the indications step by step depending on the skills acquired. Furthermore, the standardization of surgical techniques and development of a trainingsystem to ensure safe laparoscopic surgery are future issues.

Key Words: Colorectal cancer, Laparoscopic colectomy, Non touch technique.

曽我 耕次,ほか


曽我 耕次1,2,鴻巣寛2,米田 政幸1
井伊 庸弘2, 澤辺 保範2,白方 秀二2,大辻 英吾1




A Case of asymptomatic pheochromocytoma with a large pseudocyst

Koji Soga1,2, Hirosi Kounosu2, Masayuki Yoneda1,
Tsunehiro Ii2Yasunori Sawabe2, Shuji Shirakata2 and Eigo Ootsuji1

1Department of Digestive Surgery,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
 Graduate School of Medical Science
2Department of Surgery, Ayabe City Hospital

We report a case of asymptomatic pheochromocytoma with a large pseudocyst. A 47-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for further examination of a right abdominal mass, which was incidentally discovered by ultrasonography. Abdominal CT scan showed a polycystic mass in the suprarenal area. The resected specimen was an encapsulated tumor, 15×13×10cm in size, weighing 776g. On sectioning, a cystic formation with septum was noted. A turbid, dark red fluid was present in the tumor. Histopathologically, the tumor was diagnosed as pheochromocytoma.
No particular event including blood pressure changes occurred during surgery. As of 16 months after surgery, the patient is without recurrence. We encountered a relatively rare case, asymptomatic pheochromocytoma accompanied by cyst formation. Pheochromocytoma should be kept in mind as a disease to be differentiated, even though it is asymptomatic, because it may cause intraoperative death.

Key Words: Pheochromocytoma, Large pseudocyst, Asymptom.

間嶋 孝,ほか

間嶋孝1,榊原 次夫1,植松 靖之2,野田 信一2




A case of trans-omental hernia

Takashi Majima1,Tsuguo Sakakibara1
Yasuyuki Uematsu2 and Shiniti Noda2

1Department of Surgery, Higashiohmi Keiai Hospital
2Department of Internal Medicine, Higashiohmi Keiai Hospital

A 73-year-old man with no history of laparotomy nor abdominal injury was admitted for continuous nausea and frequent vomiting from the previous day. On admission, he showed slight tenderness over the entire abdomen, but no muscular defense nor rebound tenderness. Abdominal X-ray and CT scan revealed an enlarged intestinal shadow, and the patient was admitted for bowel obstruction. We observed conservatively with a long tube inserted. The symptoms were markedly reduced on treatment, but enlargement of the small intestine showed no reduction on radiological
examination. On the 8th hospital day, laparotomy was carried out with a diagnosis of internal hernia. Laparotomy revealed that the small intestine had been herniated through abnormal omental hiatus, 5cm in diameter. The hiatus was opened and the small intestine was released. The small intestine was not necrotic. The postoperative course was uneventful. Trans-omental hernia is rare, and so we report this case.

Key Words: Transomental hernia, Internal hernia, Bowel obstruction.

中村 猛







Medical management of heart failure

Takeshi Nakamura

Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Heart failure is the complex syndrome characterized as a double-edged blade of“neurohormonal factors” which is activated to compensate of the pump failure. The mainstream of the management of heart failure is not to beat the
pump, but modification of the “neurohormonal factors”. The angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), which modulate the rennin-angiotensin system, and the beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agents (beta-blockers), which protect from strain of sympathetic nerve system, are the “dual sovereignty ” of the management of heart failure. Diuretics are the essential drugs for remove fluid retention, and to initiate ACEIs and beta-blockers. Other medical agents, e.g. digitalis, aldosterone receptor blocker, established through large randomized controlled trials, can be used according to proven indication. However, patients are presented as individual cases, not the “results” section of the trials. We all should know the both pivotal “evidence” and the “tailor made medicine”.

Key Words: Heart failure, Neurohormonal factors,Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, Beta blockers.

白石 裕一



白石 裕一




Cardiac rehabilitation for heart failure

Hirokazu Shiraishi

Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Department of Rehabilitation,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Cardiac rehabilitation is comprehensive program that includes prescriptive exercise training, coronary risk factor modification and life style modification in patients with established heart disease. The goals of cardiac rehabilitation
are to improve functional capacity, alleviate or lessen activity-related symptoms, reduce disability, and identify and modify coronary risk factors in an attempt to reduce subsequent morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular illness. The ultimate goal of cardiac rehabilitation is to restore and maintain an individual’s optimal physiological, psychological, social, and vocational status. Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with heart failure can also reduce cardiovascular mortality, improve functional capacity, and reduce the risk of further coronary events. As such, cardiac rehabilitation is standard care that should be integrated into the overall treatment plan of patients.
The new section of cardiac rehabilitation started in 2005 in Kyoto Prefectural University of medicine. Almost all of patients who admitted for the treatment of heart failure participated in our rehabilitation programs. I will show the contents of our program and the global trend of cardiac rehabilitation for heart failure in this report.

Key Words: Cardiac rehabilitation, heart failure, exercise training.

白山 武司



白山 武司


  心不全悪化の一要因として,局所心室収縮が同期しない場合があることが明らかとなった.主として心室中隔と左室外側の収縮タイミングが大きくずれることにより心拍出量が低下,僧房弁閉鎖が障害されて心機能が低下する.心室再同期療法とは,このようなタイミングのずれがある症例を心電図QRS幅の増加または心臓超音波検査(2D,組織ドプラ)で壁運動の異常 により検出し,右室心尖部と冠静脈内に留置した電極リードに専用ペースメーカを接続して刺激し,局所収縮タイミングを同期させる治療である.酸素消費を増すことなく予後・運動耐用能の改善が得られる.しかし,治療に反応 しない例もあり,今後適応症例をどのように選択するかが,課題である.


Pacing for Congestive heart failure
 ―Cardiac resynchronization therapy

Takeshi Shirayama

Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Some patients with heart failure show asynchronous wall motion of the heart. Typically, the contraction of left-ventricular free wall is substantially delayed compared with the interventricular septum. Cardiac resynchronization
therapy has been established as a new therapeutic modality for such patients, where 2 pacing leads are placed at right-ventricular apex and lateral coronary vein through the right atrium. QRS width in standard ECG and/or echocardiographic measurements(M-mode, 2D view, tissue doppler, strain image) are used to select the eligible patients. Better prognosis and improvement of exercise capacity have been reported after pacemaker implantation, although 20% of the eligible patients do not respond to the therapy.

Key Words: Biventricular pacing, Cardiac resynchronization therapy,Heart failure, Prognosis.

土井 潔,ほか







Surgical treatment for heart failure

Kiyoshi Doi and Hitoshi Yaku

Departmetnt of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Surgical treatments for heart failure include left ventricular restoration (LVR), ventricular assist system (VAS) therapy and heart transplantation. LVR for ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) is performed to exclude as much
nonfunctioning ventricular wall as possible and to restore ventricular size and shape toward the normal. Patients with ICM are likely to have functional mitral regurgitation, and may require mitral valve procedure. LVR for dilated cardiomyopathy is getting less popular except for in Japan, because its clinical result was not as good as that of transplantation. Recently VAS technology is much improved, and renders significant survival and quality of life benefits.

Key Words: Heart failure, Cardiac surgery.

間嶋 孝,ほか

間嶋孝,榊原 次夫


  大腿ヘルニアはしばしば嵌頓を起こすが,嵌頓内容が虫垂であるのは非常に稀であり今回報告を行った. 症例は82歳女性,前日から右鼠径部の痛みを伴う腫脹で近医受診しヘルニア嵌頓が疑われ当院紹介となった.右鼠径部で鼠径靭帯尾側に


A case of incarcerated appendix in a femoral hernia

Takashi Majima and Tsuguo Sakakibara

Department of Surgery, Higashiohmi Keiai Hospital

Incarcerated femoral hernia is common, but we seldom encounter incarcerartion of the appendix. We report a rare case of femoral hernia with incarceration of the appendix. An 82-year-old woman with swelling and pain of the right groin was referred to our hospital on suspicion of an incarcerated hernia of the right groin. Physical examination revealed a tender mass, about 5 cm in diameter, just caudal of the right inguinal ligament. Pelvic CT showed a mass connected
to an intra-abdominal organ in the right groin, just inside the right femoral artery. An emergency operation was carried out with a diagnosis of right incarcerated femoral hernia. Surgery revealed incarceration of the appendix. The appendix was swollen, and its proximal side was necrotic. In the hernia sac, infectious signs were not noted. Therefore, appendectomy and closure of the hernia poach using a mesh-plug were performed via the same surgical incision. The postoperative course was uneventful, and she was discharged from the hospital 10 days after the operation.

Key Words: Femoral hernia, Appendix, Incarcerated hernia.

吉川 敏一,ほか

吉川 敏一,内山 和彦,古倉聡


  癌組織でのHSPの発現と,その癌の悪性度や予後との関連についての検討は さかんに行われてきたが,現在のところ発生臓器を越えた一定の関連性はない ようである.ただ,近年,Hsp90の分子シャペロン効果が,EGDR,HER-2,HIF-1α などのオンコジーン蛋白質に及んでいることが明らかとなり,Hsp90そのものを分子標的とした基礎研究や臨床研究が進んでいる.また,Hsp70についても,Hsp70の発現阻害剤が,アポトーシス細胞を増やし腫瘍の発育を抑制することが報告されている.このようなHSPを分子標的とした癌治療の可能性が検討されている一方で,現在臨床で使用されている抗がん剤や今後の発展が期待されている癌ワクチン療法においては少し事情が異なる.これらの治療法においては,HSPの存在が治療効果増強に繋がる可能性があると考えられる.


Heat shock protein and cancer

Toshikazu Yoshikawa, Kazuhiko Uchiyama and Satoshi Kokura

Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

In many cancer cells, it is known that HSP is induced within the cytoplasm. These HSP play an important role for the growth of the cancer and metastasis not only they defend merely cells against an external injury factor. On the other hand, in late years the details become clear about the significance of the HSP in the cancer immunity reply.
In this report, we describe a contribution of the HSP in both cell apoptosis and the growth of the cancer cell, a role of the HSP in the metastasis of the cancer cell, and a function of the HSP as the chaperoning immunity to connect natural immunity and acquired immunity.

Key Words: HSP, Apoptosis, Apaf-1, TRAIL, Dendritic cell, Cancer vaccine.

沼尻 敏明,ほか

沼尻 敏明1,藤原 貴史1,西野 健一1,上中 麻希1
増田 志津1,素輪 善弘1,中野宏2,島田 剛敏2


  内訳は56~81歳の17例で,原疾患は口腔癌6例,下咽頭・頸部食道癌5例,喉頭癌3例,中咽頭癌2例などであった.12例(71%)で頸部郭清の既往があり,うち7例は遊離空腸・遊離皮弁・胃管挙上後の二次再建例であった.術前放射線照射は13例(77%)に平均55.4 Gyが照射されていた.皮弁の完全生着は14例(82%)で,完全壊死は2例(12%),部分壊死は1例(6%)であった.その他の合併症は,大瘻孔3例(18%),小瘻孔2例(12%)などであった.


Clinical evaluation of pectoralis major myocutaneous flap for head and neck reconstruction

Toshiaki Numajiri1, Takashi Fujiwara1, Kenichi Nishino1,
Maki Uenaka1 Shidu Masuda1, Yoshihiro Sowa1,
Hiroshi Nakano2, Taketoshi Shimada2
Hitoshi Bamba2, Shigeru Nakai2 and Yasuo Hisa2

1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
2Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

To clarify the reasons for flap failure, and to minimize the flap-loss rate, we studied 17 cases of pectoralis major myocutaneous flap for head and neck reconstruction that were performed over a period of three years in our department.
Head and neck carcinoma included: the oral cavity (n=6), hypopharynx and cervical esophagus (n=5), larynx (n=3), and mesopharynx (n=2). Prior surgery comprised: neck dissection (n=12), gastric pull-up (n=4), free cutaneous flap (n=3), and free jejunum (n=1). The mean presurgical irradiation dosage was 55.4Gy (30-70Gy) in 13 cases. The flap survival rate was 82%. Flap loss cases included total necrosis (n=2) and partial necrosis (n=1). Other complications were major fistulas (n=3) and minor fistulas (n=2).The pectoralis major myocutaneous flap was a useful option for head and neck reconstruction after cancer ablation and related fistulas. In cases with a history of irradiation and neck surgery, the rate of leakage increased. In secondary reconstruction for mesopharyngeal cancer, appropriate flap insertion was important to avoid the strangulation of pedicles, because the muscle and vascular pedicle are bulky in the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap.
Key Words: Pharyngocutaneous fistula, Hypopharyngeal carcinoma,
  Secondary reconstruction, Irradiation, Mesopharyngeal carcinoma.

川人 豊


川人 豊


  1950年にDr.Hennchがステロイド剤を関節リウマチの治療に応用し,ノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞した.以来,ステロイド剤は,リウマチ性疾患の治療に劇的な効果を得た反面,副作用との戦いが続いたが,半世紀を経て免疫分子をターゲットとした生物学的製剤の登場により,関節リウマチを中心とした治療が大きく変化した.関節破壊が発症早期に進行することより,早期診断,早期治療の概念が発展し,さらに生物学的製剤を応用したtight controlにより寛解にいたることも可能となり,飛躍的に疾患予後が改善した.生物学的製剤は関節リウマチのみならず,他の膠原病にも応用されてようとしており,今後の発展が期待される.これら生物学的製剤の安全で有効な治療を行える専門医の育成も今後の課題である.


Progress of the diagnosis and therapy of rheumatic diseases

Kawahito Yutaka

Division of Rheumatology and Allergology,Inflammation and Immunology
Graduate School of Medical Science Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Dr. Hennch applied glucocorticoid to treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and won a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1950. Thereafter glucocorticoid got a dramatic effect to the treatment of rheumatic diseases. However the side effects of this drug have continued to be problems. After half a century, biological drugs that assumed an immunity molecule a target are changing this situation of rheumatic diseases. A concept of early diagnosis and treatment of
rheumatoid arthritis could suppress joint destruction and reach remission by tight control including biological drugs. Biological drugs are going to be applied to not only rheumatoid arthritis but also other collagen diseases, and future development is expected. Also, to educate specialist who can use these biological drugs effectively and safely is an important issue.

Key Words: Biological drugs, Rheumatoid arthritis; Collagen diseases.

上田 英一郎,ほか



上田英一郎,加藤 則人,岸本 三郎


  本稿では,これまでに明らかになった天疱瘡の病態と臨床病型の関係,治療法の進 歩を中心に天疱瘡について概観する.


Pathogenesis and treatment of pemphigus―Clinical update―

Eiichiro Ueda, Norito Katoh and Saburo Kishimoto

Department of Dermatology,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science

Pemphigus is defined as a group of chronic blistering autoimmune disease targeting skin and mucous membranes, characterized by disruption of keratinocytes’ adhesion termed acantholysis. Although the pathogenesis of pemphigus was not known for long time, the autoantibody was detected in patient’s serum in 1964, and nowadays, multiple classes
of targets are considered to play a role in the genesis of the acantholysis; of these, the classical pemphigus antigens, desmosomal cadherins, desmoglein 1 and 3(Dsg1 and Dsg3), are the best characterized and considered as the most important.
This review highlights following two topics (ⅰ) the substantial diagnostic method which is recently developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) for Dsg1 and Dsg3, antigens for pemphigus foliaceus and pemphigus vulgaris,
respectively, has led to great progress in the diagnosis and classification of pemphigus, as well as in understanding its pathomechanisms, and (ⅱ) the conventional treatment using systemic glucocorticosteroids and other durgs.

Key Words: Pemphigus, Autoantibody, Desmoglein.

中川 正法


中川 正法


おくことが重要である.病態解明の面では,最近,ユビキチン陽性封入体がTDP-43であることが明らかとなり,SOD1変異がないALSやユビキチン陽性前頭側頭葉変性症を包括して“TDP-43 proteinopathy”と呼ばれるようになった.SOD1トランスジェニックマウスの研究から,ALSに対するワクチン療法,抗体療法などの免疫療法の研究が急展開しており,今後の臨床試験が期待される.Brain-Machine Interfaceの活用,神経難病ネットワークの確立の取り組みなどが進んでおり,ALSをはじめとする神経難病診療は変革期を迎えようとしている.

キーワード:TDP-43 proteinopathy,免疫療法,
 Brain-Machine Interface,ALS医療手帳,神経難病ネットワーク.

Recent advance at the medical and social levels of intractable neurological diseases
―Researches on the pathogenesis and the patient care of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis―

Masanori Nakagawa

Department of Neurology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Intractable diseases are generally defined as incurable or fatal diseases. However, the definition may have to be changed along with the recent developments at the medical and the social levels. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) represents one of the disorders under the intractable neurological disease category. Researches on the pathogenesis and the patient care of ALS have dramatically developed. At the patient care level of ALS, one of the most important considerations is the physical and psychological pain relief. This level also incorporates sharing the will of patients, with caregivers, for continued medical care, including tracheotomy and ventilation support through an ALS care manual. At the ALS research level, the major breakthrough is the discovery of TDP-43. TDP-43 is a major component of ubiquitin-positive inclusions in frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and ALS without SOD1 mutation. These diseases have
recently been named the “TDP-43 proteinopathy.” Developments in vaccination and antibody therapies for ALS have found usefulness on the basis of SOD1 transgenic mouse models. Clinical trials on immunotherapy are likewise expected.
With the development Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) technologies and with the support network system for patients with intractable neurological diseases, a new therapeutic era will be forthcoming on these category of diseases, including ALS.

Key Words: TDP-43 proteinopathy, Immunotherapy,
Brain-Machine Interface, ALS care manual,
  Support network for patients with intractable neurological diseases.

久保 俊一,ほか



久保 俊一,三上 靖夫,藤岡 幹浩




Leading – edge medical care of orthopaedic intractable diseases

Toshikazu Kubo,Yasuo Mikami and Mikihiro Fujioka

Department of Orthopaedics,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine,
Graduate School of Medical Science

Idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head has an iatrogenic aspect, namely, some relation to steroid administration. We report about the result of epidemiological investigation in Japan, the development of novel methods for its prevention, and the most recent method for its treatment. Pathologic condition of the ossification of the spinal ligaments is a
compression of the spinal cord. We also describe the result of gene analysis, recent operative method of minimally invasive surgery, and the application of spinal cord monitoring to the operation.

Key Words: Idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head,Ossification of the spinal ligaments,Gene analysis,
Minimally invasive surgery.

阪上 順一,ほか



阪上 順一1,2,片岡 慶正1,保田 宏明1


  急性膵炎は重症化すると多臓器疾患へと進展し致死率が急激に上昇する.わが国において重症急性膵炎は1991年から医療助成対象疾患に指定されているが,2008年から急性膵炎診断基準・重症度判定基準が改訂運用される運びとなった.この改訂重症度判定基準を用いての致死率予測では国際的に汎用されているAcute Physiology and Chronic Health EvaluationⅡ(APACHEⅡ)と比肩しうるものである.膵酵素阻害剤持続動注療法,選択的消化管除菌(SDD; selective decontamination of the digestive tract),経腸栄養療法(EN; enteral nutrition)の実施率は全国的に増加していくと想定されるが,それらの特殊療法の検証が待たれている.


Frontiers of treatment for severe acute pancreatitis

Junichi Sakagami1,2, Keisho Kataoka1 and Hiroaki Yasuda1

1Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science
2Section of Ultrasonography, Medical Examination Center,
 University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

In Japan, the severity of acute pancreatitis is classified using the criteria for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, which were established by the Research Committee for Intractable Diseases of the Pancreas from the Ministry of Health
and Welfare in 1995. Once the patient is diagnosed with severe acute pancreatitis, the mortality rate is extremely high. Public expenditure system for severe acute pancreatitis has been held since 1991. Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry enforced newly-revised criteria for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis starting in 2008. APACHEⅡ is generally accepted as a classification system of severity of diseases. Our study has proven that the accuracy of predicted mortality rate for
acute pancreatitis calculated by the revised criteria for the diagnosis is not inferior to that by using APACHEⅡ.
Execution rates of peculiar treatments as continuous regional arterial infusion of protease inhibitor, selective decontamination of the digestive tract and enteral nutrition has been increasing recently. We have to verify the correctness of these treatments in the near future.

Key Words: Severe acute pancreatitis, Revised severity score,
Continuous regional arterial infusion of protease inhibitor,
  Selective decontamination of the digestive tract, Enteral nutrition.