京都府立医科大学雑誌 京都府立医科大学雑誌


中嶋 啓雄,ほか Hiroo Nakajima et al.

タンパク質間相互作用を標的としたin silico創薬手法による


中嶋 啓雄1,田沼 靖一2


タンパク質―タンパク質間の相互作用は,アポトーシスなどの多くの生物学的プロセスにおいて重要な役割を 果たしており,今や創薬ターゲットの宝庫となっている.しかしながら,タンパク質間 相互作用を制御する新薬を 開発するための新規低分子化合物を探し出すことは非常に難しいと いう議論が根強くある.我々は最近,タンパク質間相互作用を標的とした新しい in silico創薬方法 論(COSMOS; conversion to small molecules through optimized peptide strategy),「創薬ターゲット タンパク質のHot Spotに対して最適ペプチドを分子設計し, その結合配座を基に,低分子化合物へ 変換設計する」,を実装する分子設計手法を開発した.本稿では,その 実施例として,デスレセプ ターの一つであるFasに結合し,Fasリガンド様の作用を示すアゴニストペプチドの設計 について述 べる.我々が開発したCOSMOSを用いることによって,ペプチドミメティクスや非ペプチド性有機
アポトーシス,タンパク質間相互作用,in silico創薬,ペプチドミメティクス,アポトーシス疾患

Development of apoptosis regulating drugs using in silico
methodology targeting protein-protein interactions

Hiroo Nakajima1 and Sei-ichi Tanuma2

1Deparatment of Endocrine and Breast Surgery,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science

2Deparatment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Tokyo University of Science

   Protein-protein interactions have key roles in most biological processes, such as apoptosis, signaling systems, and offer attractive opportunities for drugable targets proteins. However, discovering small molecules for development of new drugs that regulate protein-protein interactions has been discussed to be difficult. Recently, we have developed a novel in silico methodology named COSMOS (Conversion to small molecules through optimized peptide strategy) for conversion-design of small molecules through the binding modes of designed optimized peptides that target Hot Spots of targeting proteins and regulate protein-protein interactions. Here, we describe the example of the development of an agonistic optimized peptide that binds directly to the Fas (a death receptor) interface for Fas ligand binding sites. Thus, COSMOS can be used to develop peptidomimetics and non-peptidic organic forms into a new generation of optimized effective pharmaceuticals.
Key words: Apoptosis, Protein-protein interactions, In silico drug discovery, Peptidomimetics,
          Apoptosis diseases.


笠井 高士,ほか Takashi Kasai et al.


笠井 高士,吉川 健治,永金 義成
水野 敏樹,中川 正法
目的:ラクナ梗塞急性期症例において頭位挙上による血圧変動と神経症状の増悪との 関係を検討する.
  方法:対象は発症24時間以内に入院したラクナ梗塞患者23名(男性14例 平均年齢69.1±8.3歳).
入院後12時間後に45度のhead-up試験を行った.症状進行を生じ た群(増悪群:12例)と生じなかった群 (非増悪群:11例)に分類し,両群間でhead-up test 前後の血圧変動 を比較した.
  結果:収縮期血圧/拡張期血圧/平均血圧のhead-up試験前後の差は有意ではなかった が,血圧変動 の差の絶対値はそれぞれ,非増悪群では4.1±3.6/5.8±5.2/7.5±7.1mmHg, 増悪群では11.0±7.5/11.8±11.7/12.8±14.9mmHgであった.両群の平均値間にP=0.011で 増悪群に有意に高い 値を示した.さらに収縮期血圧の血圧変動で5群に分けると起立性血 圧低下度および起立性血圧上昇度 の大きい群で有意に増悪例が多かった.
  結論:進行性ラクナ梗塞ではhead-up負荷による血圧の低下および上昇の変動が大きい 傾向にある.

The head-up test on acute lacunar strokes

Takashi Kasai, Kenji Yoshikawa, Yoshinari Nagakane
Toshiki Mizuno and Masanori Nakagawa.

Department of Molecular Neurology and Gerontology
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Aim: To test whether deterioration in the patients with acute lacunar stroke is associated with postural blood pressure changes.
   Methods: Twenty three patients(male: 14cases. 69.1±8.3years old), who admitted in our hospital
within 24hours after onset, were enrolled in this study. We performed head-up test of 45degrees in 12 hours and evaluated the relationship between postural blood pressure changes and acute neurological deterioration. Patients were divided into two groups: the progressive group in which patients showed neurological deterioration(12patients)and the stable group in which patients did not show neurological deterioration(11patients). We compared blood pressure changes for before and after tilt up between two groups.
   Results: Absolute value of differences in systolic blood pressure(sBP), diastolic blood pressure (dBP), and mean blood pressure(mBP)before and after head-up test were 4.1±3.6/5.8±5.2/7.5±7.1 mmHg in stable group and 11.0±7.5/11.8±11.7/12.8±14.9mmHg in the progressive group. Absolute systolic blood pressure change was significantly higher in the progressive group than the stable group(P=0.011). Moreover, systolic blood pressure changes after
head-up test, for both decreased and increased blood pressure values, were significantly greater in the progressive group than in the stable group.
   Conclusion: Progressive lacunar stroke showed a broader variation in systolic blood pressure after the head-up tilting.
Key words:
Lacunar stroke, Head-up test, Blood pressure, Autonomic function.

山下 達久  Tatsuhisa Yamashita


山下 達久1,篠原 隆一2



  境界性パーソナリティ障害(Borderline Personality Disorder: BPD)は,精神科臨床に おいて治療困難な病態の1つである.米国では,1970年代,BPDに対して精神分析的な 長期の入院および外来治療が行われたが,1980年代に入ると,短期入院や薬物療法が 推奨されるようになった.1990年代のマネージド・ケアシステムによって,BPDの治療は, 入院治療から外来治療へ,精神分析的精神療法からプライマリ臨床家のマネージメント のもとで薬物療法,集団療法,家族療法,および認知行動療法などが並行して行われる 多重治療へと変わった.
  日本では,1980年代にBPDの精神分析的治療論が紹介され,それに基づく治療実践 が報告された.しかし,1990年代後半よりBPDの治療ブームは終わり,増加するBPD患 者は一般の精神医療から敬遠されている.このため,一般臨床家にも扱える治療技法 として,外来ケース・マネージメントが注目されている.そこでは,一般的な生活相談・ 指導と薬物投与を中心に治療を進めていくことを原則とし,必要に応じて,家族支援, 入院治療,デイケアが利用される.著者は,現在,米国および日本で行われている BPDの各種治療について概説した.


New trend in the treatment of borderline personality disorder

Tatsuhisa Yamashita1 and Ryuichi Shinohara2

1Department of Psychiatry, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  Graduate School of Medical Science

2Department of Psychiatry, National Hospital Organization
  Maizuru Medical Center

   Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the refractory conditions in psychiatric practice. In United States, BPD patients received psychoanalytically oriented long-term inpatient and outpatient treatment in 1970’s. However,
short-term hospitalization and pharmacotherapy were more often recommended in 1980’s. The managed care system of 1990’s has changed the treatment of BPD from hospitalization to outpatient treatment, from psychoanalytic individual
psychotherapy to the multiple treatment, which combines pharmacotherapy, group therapy, family therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy under the management of the primary clinician.
   In Japan, psychoanalytic theory of BPD was introduced in 1980’s, and the clinical experiences based upon it were reported. However, therapeutic boom of BPD ended in late 1990’s, a growing number of BPD patients are kept at a distance
in general psychiatric practice. Therefore, outpatient case management of BPD is attracting attention as therapeutic technique available for general clinicians. It principally gives BPD patients consultation/guidance, and medication, and uses
family support, hospitalization, day care when needed. The author reviewed the treatment modalities for BPD in United States and Japan at the present time.
Key Words: Borderline personality disorder, Multiple treatment, Case management.

小玉 智章 Tomoaki Kodama


小玉 智章
  インスリンはこれまで摂食調節に関与していると考えられてきたが,糖質に 対する選択的な摂取調節への役割については未だ明らかでない .インスリン による糖質摂食に対する影響を検討するため,自由選択摂 食ラットの門脈中 にインスリンを投与した後の糖質の摂食を観察した.
ラットは暗期開始からの8時間(1000~2200)は3種類の実験食を自由に摂食で きるようにした.ラットの門脈中に4および20mU/kg BWのインスリン を投与する と,摂食開始から最初の30分間の糖質食摂食量が生理的食 塩水投与後と比 べて有意に増加したが,タンパク質,脂質食摂食量およ び総摂食量は変化し なかった.40および80mU/kg BWのインスリン投与 では摂食行動に影響しなか った.また,インスリン投与後の門脈および 下大静脈中の血漿グルコース,イン スリンおよびグルカゴン濃度を測定 した.門脈および下大静脈のどちらにおい ても血漿グルコースおよびグ ルカゴン濃度に変化はなかった.下大静脈におい て,血漿インスリン濃 度は4mU/kg BWのインスリン投与後は変化しなかったが ,80mU/kg BW のインスリン投与後に有意に増加した.本研究は低用量のイン スリンが 糖質の摂食量を選択的に増加させることを初めて明らかにした.


The infusion of a small amount of insulin into the hepatic portal vein selectively
increases carbohydrate intake
Tomoaki Kodama
Department of Food Sciences and Nutritional Health,
Kyoto Prefectural University

Abstract: Insulin is thought to participate in the control of food intake,but its role in the selective control of carbohydrate intake is not clear. To investigate the effect of insulin on carbohydrate intake, we have observed carbohydrate intake after the infusion of insulin into the hepatic portal vein in self-selecting feeding rats.
Rats were given free access to three experimental diets (carbohydrate, protein and fat) for 8 h after the start of the dark phase (1000 to 2200). Insulin infusion at doses of 4 or 20mU/kg body weight (BW) selectively increased carbohydrate
intake as compared with saline infusion during the first 30-min feeding period. Insulin infusions at doses of 40 and 80mU/kg BW did not alter the feeding behavior. Plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon concentrations in the hepatic portal vein and the inferior vena cava were measured after insulin infusion. In both the hepatic portal vein and the inferior vena cava, plasma glucose and glucagon concentrations were not altered by insulin infusion. In the inferior vena cava, plasma insulin concentration was not altered by a 4 mU/kg BW dose of insulin, but it was significantly increased by the 80mU/kg BW dose of infusion. The present study is the first to demonstrate that a small dose of insulin selectively increases
carbohydrate intake.

Key words:
Food intake, Insulin, Liver, Carbohydrate, Rat.

間嶋 孝,ほか Takashi Mashima et al.


間嶋  孝,榊原 次夫


症例は20才,男性,交通事故にて腹部に鈍的外傷を受け,当院へ救急搬入 された.来院時,上腹部の激痛を訴え,腹部に著名な筋性防御を認め た.胸部 X線写真では左肺野の透過性減少,胸部CTで左血気胸を認めた.
腹部CTでは腹腔内に遊離ガスを認めた.以上より上腹部鈍的外傷による外傷性 消化管穿孔・肺挫傷にて緊急手術を施行した.手術所見では食道近傍 の胃底部 に約4cmの破裂部位を認めた.また食道裂孔は食道径と比較して 大きく,食道裂
腹腔内には少量の胃内容物しか認めず,横隔膜の損傷も認めなかったことから, 食道裂孔ヘルニアにより胸腔内に脱出した胃が,鈍的外傷により左胸腔内で破裂 したと診断した.本症例は食道裂孔ヘルニアが存在したために,他の臓器損傷を


Esophageal hiatal hernia with intrapleural gastric perforation
from blunt abdominal trauma

Takashi Majima and Tsuguo Sakakibara

Department of Surgery, Higashiomi Keiai Hospital


   A 20-year-old man was injured in a traffic accident after eating. The abdomen was hard with rebound tenderness and guarding. Initial abdominal CT scan showed intra-abdominal free air. The chest radiography and CT scan lead us to the diagnosis of traumatic hemo-pneumothorax without fractured ribs. After left tube thoracostomy, laparotomy was immediately performed. At the gastric lower body there were wide contusions of the gastric wall without gastric perforation. At the fundus of the stomach there was a 4cm laceration of the gastric wall. The esophageal hiatus was enlarged at the point where the abdominal cavity connected to left pleural cavity, where there was extensive soiling with gastric contents but little in the abdomen. Therefore, considering the upper portion of the stomach was pushed out through the esophageal hiatus by the force of the trauma to the gastric lower body and then perforated into the left pleural cavity. We diagnosed gastric rupture from blunt trauma due to the esophageal hiatal hernia. This type of blunt abdominal trauma is rare.

Key words: 
Esophageal hiatal hernia, Intrapleural gastric perforation,
          Blunt abdominal trauma.

内藤 裕二,ほか  Yuji Naito et al.


内藤 裕二1,髙木 智久2

炎症性腸疾患(inflammatory bowel disease; IBD)とは広義には腸管炎症を引き起こす すべての疾患をさすが,一般には狭義的に潰瘍性大腸炎(ulcerative colitis; UC)とクロ ーン病(Crohn’s disease; CD)の難治性腸疾患を指す.これらの疾患は食生活の欧米化を 含めた生活環境の変化に伴い著しく増加しており,今後,多くの臨床医にとって接する機 会が増えてくると考えられる.このため,病態の理解とともに明確な診断・治療指針が必 要であるが,未だ原因が明らかではなく,根本治療には至っていない.とはいえ,その治 療の実際においては,近年,数多くの良質なエビデンスが積み重ねられるとともに,新規治療法の登場によって様変わりしてきた.UCでは免疫抑制剤の使用が浸透し,白血球除去療法が定着しており,CDでは本邦独自の栄養療法が再評価される一方で,生物学的製剤である抗TNF-α抗体の出現によって格段に治療効果が向上してきた.


Advances in therapy for inflammatory bowel disease

Yuji Naito1 and Tomohisa Takagi2

1Department of Medical Proteomics, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

2Department of Biomedical Safety Science,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

  Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation in two principal forms: ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). While the precise pathogenesis of IBD remains unknown, certain features of the disease have suggested several possible etiologies, including familial or genetic, infectious, physiological and immunological
factors. Moreover, increased evidences of IBD treatment have advocated new therapeutic strategies of IBD. Immunomodulators have been positioned as an important agent in the management of refractory and steroid-dependent IBD, and the therapeutic effect of cytoapheresis has been satisfied in the therapy of UC. In active CD, nutritional therapy
(in the form of enteral feeding) is an effective primary therapy for many patients in Japan. On the other hand, a new biologic agent, anti-TNF-α antibody has been revolutionized for the therapy of CD. On these data, the therapeutic guideline published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan has indicated the usefulness of these therapies. This review focuses on the advances in the pathogenesis and treatment of IBD in Japan.

Key Words:
Inflammatory boweodisease (IBD), ulcerative colitis (UC),
        Crohn’s disease(CD).

上島 康生,ほか  Yasuo Ueshima et al.


上島 康生,門谷 弥生,池田  純,山下 哲郎
小出 一真,塩飽 保博,李  哲柱,栗岡 英明


1994年5月から2004年12月の間に当院で行った胸腔鏡下自然気胸手術114例, 117側のうち再発を12例,14側,11.9%に認めた.再発形式は切除線近傍のブラ新 生が7側,切離線から離れた部位のブラが2側,ブラ不明が5側であった.手術時の
年齢別に検討すると25歳未満の若年者で57側中11側,19.3%に再発を認めたのに 対し,25歳以上では60側中3側,5%のみに再発を認め有意差を認めた(P=0.035).
両側気胸症例では6例のうち3例4側が再発 (3/6例,50%,4/11側,36%)したのに 対し,片側気胸症例106例のうち再発は10例,9.4%と両側気胸症例に再発が多い 傾向を認めた(P=0.033).
  25歳以上の症例で開胸手術とVATS症例を比較したが再発率に差が無く,諸家 の報告より開胸手術の再発率が高かった.両群とも自動縫合器でブラ切除してい るため,差が出なかった可能性も考えられた.術中の再発予防法は未施行では 62側中10側に再発,ミノサイクリン散布は32側中4側に再発,壁側胸膜擦過11側 とPGAシート貼付11側は無再発だが有意差はなかった(P=0.33).

Recurrence after thoracoscopic surgery forspontaneous pneumothorax

Yasuo Ueshima, Yayoi Kadotani, Jun Ikeda, Tetsuro Yamashita
Kazuma Koide, Yasuhiro Shioaki, Tettyuu Lee and Hideaki Kurioka

Department of Surgery, Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital

Between May 1994 and December 2004, 117 cases of 114 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax underwent video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) in our hospital. Among these patients, 14 cases (11.9%) developed recurrence of
pneumothorax. The causes of recurrence included 7 cases of new bulla formation near the staple line of the first operation, 3 cases of bulla remote from the staple line and 4 unidentified cases. Patients were classified into 2 groups by their age as follows: younger group (<25 years) and older group (≧25 years). The recurrence rates were
19.3% and 5.0% in younger older groups, respectively (p = 0.035). Patients with bilateral pneumothorax had higher recurrence rate (36%) than patients with unilateral pneumothorax (9.4%) (p =0.033). The recurrence rates in thoracotomy group and VATS group showed no difference in our study in which endostapling devices were used in both groups. Several procedures were applied to prevent recurrence; however, no difference was observed in their efficacies. In conclusion, since the recurrence rate of spontaneous pneumothorax after VATS was high, it is necessary to prevent recurrence of pneumothorax, particularly in young patients or patients with bilateral pneumothorax.

Key words:
Spontaneous pneumothorax, Video assisted thoracic surgery, Reccurence.

森 久也   Hisaya Mori

森     久  也

従来から細胞内グルタチオンは細胞内情報伝達や生体防御で重要であると報告され ている.今回,まず細胞内redox stateを還元側にするglutathione reductase(GR)をNEM で抑制し,インスリン分泌への影響を検討した.NEM 1.0mM添加で,単離膵島のGR活性 は対照より有意に減少し,16.7mM グルコース刺激時のインスリン分泌も対照より有意に 低下した.一方5.5mMグルコースでは差を認めなかった.またアロキサンはフリーラジカルを形成し,糖尿病を惹起する.今回GSHより容易に細胞膜を通過するイソプロピルエステル誘導体(GSHIE)を用い,アロキサン糖尿病への抑制効果を検討した.GSHIEの前投与


Effects of glutathione on insulin release using isolated pancreatic islets of rats and
the prevention of alloxan diabetic rats
Hisaya Mori

Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineGraduate School of Medical Science
It has been well established that intracellular glutathione plays a significant role in protection against oxidative stress, and changes in the glutathione redox state (GSH/GSSG ratio) may regulate the intracellular signal transduction system.
   To clarify the effect of an inhibitor of glutathione reductase (GR) on glucose-stimulated rat insulin release from isolated islets, GR activity and insulin release were examined after incubation with N-ethyl-malaimide (NEM). GR activity was significantly decreased after incubation with 1.0mM NEM. Insulin release was significantly decreased in the
presence of 16.7mM glucose with 1.0mM NEM compared to the control, while no significant difference was found in 5.5mM glucose. In addition, alloxan induces experimental diabetes forming free-radical and reduced glutathione (GSH), which could be expected to prevent alloxan diabetes as a radical scavenger. A glutathione-isopropyl-ester (GSHIE) penetrating more easily into a cell membrane was able to increase intracellular GSH. The total glutathione concentration of the pancreas was significantly higher after pretreatment with GSHIE than GSH or saline in alloxan diabetic rats. Decreased plasma glucose, increased plasma insulin, and the insulin content of the pancreas were found after pretreatment with GSHIE compared to the control.
   In conclusion, changes in the GSH/GSSG ratio influence insulin release, and a high concentration of glucose-stimulated insulin release from isolated pancreatic islets of rats and intracellular glutathione may prevent oxidative stress as an antioxidant.

Key words: 
Glutathione, Isolated pancreatic islet of rats, Insulin release, Alloxan diabetic rats.

韓 龍海  LongHai Han

韓     龍  海


漿膜浸潤胃癌の手術方針決定のためには腹腔内微量癌細胞を迅速かつ高感度に手術中に検出する必要がある.しかし従来の検出方法は十分にその要件を満たすものではなかった.本研究では従来のリアルタイムRT-PCR法と新規のTranscription Reverse Transcription Concerted Reaction(TRC)法につき,微量癌細胞検出に要する時間と 感度を比較検討した.培養胃癌細胞SNU-719のRNAを段階希釈して胃癌細胞マーカー Reg IVとCEAの発現を段階別に検討し,さらに臨床検体として胃癌症例10例の術中腹腔内洗浄液で同様の検討を行った.リアルタイムRT-PCR法は検出に214±15分(平均±SD) を要したのに対し,TRC法では73±7分(平均±SD)と有意(P<0.01)に短時間で検出された.
SNU-719の段階希釈モデルでも臨床検体でも標的RNAを同等度に高感度に検出できた. TRC法はリアルタイムRT-PCR法に比べて簡便性や迅速性に優れており,漿膜浸潤胃癌の 腹腔内微量癌細胞検出を手術の前半段階で行える有用な手段として臨床応用の有用性が高いと考えられた.


Comparison of detection time between two highly sensitive methods
for detection of free cancer cells in the abdominal cavity:
potential for clinical application

LongHai Han

Department of Microbiology and Immunology,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 
Graduate School of Medical Science


   To determine the treatment strategy during surgery for serous-infiltratating gastric cancer,
it is necessary to detect free cancer cells in the abdominal cavity with high sensitivity in a short
period of time. In this study, we compared the detection time and sensitivity of Transcription
Reverse Transcription Concerted Reaction (TRC) with those of conventional real-time RT-PCR
in detection of free cancer cells, using Reg IV and CEA as markers. The target RNA was derived
from SNU-719, a gastric cancer cell line, and from 10 samples collected by rinsing the abdominal
cavity of patients with gastric cancer during surgery. Detection using real-time RT-PCR required
210±15 minutes (average±SD) whereas the TRC method required only 73±7 minutes;
these data showed a significant difference between the two methods (p<0.01). Both real-time
RT-PCR and TRC were highly sensitive for detection of target RNA from SNU-719 cells and from
clinical samples. However, the TRC method is simpler and gives results more rapidly than real-time
RT-PCR, suggesting that TRC is useful for determining the treatment strategy during surgery for
serous-infiltrating gastric cancer.

Key words: Free cancer cells, Detection time, Highly sensitive detection,
          TRC, Real-time RT-PCR.

片岡 慶正,ほか  Keisho Kataoka et al.


飲 酒 指 導

片岡 慶正,光藤 章二,伊藤 義人


  アルコールは百薬の長といわれるように,適量であれば健康増進に役立つと いわれる.しかし,アルコールの代謝産物であるアセトアルデヒドを分解する 酵素は人種差,個人差が大きく,遺伝によって決まる.われわれ黄色アジア 民族である日本人は白人,黒人に比してアルコールに弱い民族であるが, 世界的に見たアルコール消費量はアジア民族の中で最も多い.わが国での
アルコール消費量は欧米各国と比較しても減少する様相は全くなく,消化器疾患 の中でもアルコール性肝障害や膵疾患が確実に増加している.通常のアルコール 代謝能を有する日本人においては「節度ある適度な飲酒」として,1日平均 純アルコールで約20g以下である.アルコール関連疾患は消化器疾患に限らず, 慢性影響による臓器障害としての糖尿病,心臓病,高脂血症,痛風,神経疾患, 骨格筋疾患,血液疾患,代謝疾患など多岐にわたる.また,大酒家では突然死の リスクが高いことや飲酒に伴う発ガンリスクについても周知する必要がある.薬物 治療中の患者管理においてアルコールは副作用を増強する可能性があることも 指導する必要がある.アルコール関連疾患の治療に際しては,チーム医療として 根気強い飲酒指導が望まれる.

Drinking guidance in medical care

Keisho Kataoka, Shoji Mitsufuji and Yoshito Itoh
Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

   It has been known that drinking alcohol in moderation is good for health. However, heavy drinking is apparently increasing the incidence of a broad range of diseases and other health problems. Enzyme activity of ALDH playing an important role in alcohol metabolism is influenced genetically by racial differences and an individual difference.
The Japanese, Mongoloid, has less developed system of alcohol metabolism compared to a white or a black. However, the Japanese alcohol consumption is largest in the Asian from the viewpoint of the worldwide annual statistics of alcohol consumption. There is no tendency to decrease in amount of drinking in our country compared to Western countries,
patients with alcoholic liver injury or alcohol-induced pancreatitis increase surely year by year.
   It is recommended that an appropriate amount of drinking to keep health is about 20g/day with absolute alcohol in the Japanese having normal alcoholic metabolic capacity. Alcoholic associated diseases extend over diabetes mellitus, cardiac disease, hyperlipidemia, gout, neuropathy, myopathy, blood diseases, metabolic diseases as well as various digestive
diseases. In addition, we have to be careful about sudden death in heavy drinkers and a carcinogenic risk with long-term drinking. It is necessary in patient care to give an advice that drinking may enhance an adverse drug reaction during medical treatment. In management of patients with alcoholic associated diseases, the strenuous drinking guidance is needed as team approach in medical care.
Key Words: Japanese alcohol consumption, Alcohol associated diseases, Liver,
         Pancreas, Drinking guidance.

中澤 敦子  Atsuko Nakazawa


中澤  敦子


  喫煙は循環器系,呼吸器系の障害,発ガン性に関連することはいうまでもなく その他の臓器障害や副流煙や胎盤を介して産科,小児科領域にいたるまで 健康障害の重大な危険因子である.そこで喫煙対策をすることはいかなる専門 分野であれ医療に従事する者にとって重要な任務である.医療機関の受診者 に喫煙について短時間の質問やアドバイスをすることは一機関,一回の支援 では効果がないようでも多くの場所と機会に禁煙支援をすることにより,絶対数 では大きな効果があることが欧米を中心とした研究から分かっている.喫煙者 からの反発を懸念したりで禁煙指示をすることに抵抗を感じる医療関係者もあ
るようであるが,喫煙習慣がニコチン依存症であることを再認識して,臨床場面 での禁煙支援に有効である行動科学的手法を取り入れることで抵抗感がなくな るかと期待する.本稿では外来診療や健診の場などで実行できる短時間アドバ イスのガイドラインをいくつかの具体例を交えて紹介する.また,社会的観点 からタバコ問題を考慮することも重要であるので,喫煙者のことに留まらず日本 国内,世界でのタバコ規制のことにも言及した.

Smokinng cessation sapport by health care professionals
Atsuko Nakazawa
Health Check-up and Health Promotion,
Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital

   Needless to say smoking is related to circulatory and respiratory organ damage and carcinogenicity, but is also a critical risk factor for various health problems ranging from damage to other organs, to pediatric and obstetrical areas through secondhand smoke and placentas. Therefore, it is an important duty for healthcare professionals of any specialism to take measures against smoking. Researches mainly in Europe and the United States show frequent smoking cessation support on many occasions has great effect, even though questioning or giving one off short advice about smoking at any single organization, don’t appear to have much effect. Some healthcare professionals are reluctant to give instructions to quit smoking, as they are concerned about a backlash from smokers. However less resistance is expected by introducing behavioral scientific methods that are effective for smoking cessation at a clinical level, re-acknowledging that smoking habits are due to nicotine addiction. In this report, guidelines of short-time advice that could be given at outpatient care
or medical checkups are introduced, including some specific examples. Not only smokers but also tobacco regulations in Japan and in the world are mentioned in this report, as it is important to consider tobacco problems from society’s perspective.
Key words: Tobacco control, Behavioral change, Nicotine dependence

木村 みさか  Misaka Kimura


運 動 指 導
木村  みさか


  健康を回復・維持する一つの手段として,身体活動・運動がはたす意義は非常に 大きい.しかし,わが国においては,「健康づくりのための運動所要量(平成元年)」 策定以後,「健康日本21」の取り組みにもかかわらず,運動習慣を持つ者は一向に 増えず,1日歩数も減少傾向にある.本稿では,現在のわが国の死亡原因の約6割を占める生活習慣病に焦点をあて,生活習慣病予防を目的にした運動指導プログラム 作成に必要な最近の知見について解説した.生活習慣病予防のためには,成人に おいては,低い運動強度よりも中・高強度(約4.5~6メッツ)でエネルギーを消費する身体活動・運動が望ましいが,高齢者の場合は,運動強度より相対的に活動量が多いことにより致死率が低下する.2006年に策定された「健康づくりのための運動 基準2006」では,身体活動・運動(3メッツ以上)を定義するとともに基準値を設定して いる.具体的には,身体活動を主体として健康づくりをする人であれば, 毎日8000~10000歩,運動を主体とする人であれば,ジョギングやテニスを 毎週約35分間,速歩では1時間程度の実施が目安である.いずれにしても,運動の効果を引き出し,習慣化させるためには,行動科学的なアプローチと食事コントロール 等の他のプログラムとの併用が大切と考える.

Exercise guidance
Misaka Kimura
School of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine


   Physical activity/exercise is very important as a measure to induce recovery of health or to maintain it. In Japan, however, the percentage of people with a habit of regular exercise has not increased, and the mean number of walking steps tends to be decreasing despite the establishment of “The Exercise Requirements for the Protection and Promotion of Health (1989)” and campaign called “Health Japan 21”. This article reviews recent findings necessary for the preparation of exercise guidance programs for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, which account for 60% of all causes of death of the Japanese today. Moderate- to high-intensity (about 4.5-6 Mets) energy-consuming physical activity/exercise is more desirable than low-intensity exercise for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases in adults, but the mortality rate of the elderly decreases with increases in the total activity level rather than exercise intensity. “The Exercise Standards for the Protection and Promotion of Health 2006” defined physical activity/exercise (3 Mets) and set specific targets. They are 8,000-10,000 steps daily for those who aim to promote health primarily by daily physical activity and jogging or playing tennis for about 35 minutes weekly or practicing rapid walking for about 1 hour for those who aim to promote health primarily by exercises. By either method, combination of an exercise program with an approach based on behavioral science and other programs including dietary control is considered to be important for deriving a sufficient effect from physical activity/exercise and establishing an active lifestyle.
Key Words: Lifestyle-related disease, physical activity/exercise,
          teh Exercise Standards for the Protection and Promotion of Health 2006.

坂田 由里子,ほか  Yuriko Sakata et al.


坂田由里子1,岡本 和真1,2,吉川 敏一1,3


  小児肥満は軽度でも脂肪肝や肝機能障害を呈する傾向がある.また,成人期の生活習慣病, メタボリックシンドロームとの相関も示唆されている.食事指導を する場合は,正常な発育を 妨げず,家族とともに取り組み,長期間かけて行うことを 心がけている.食品点数表を用いた 栄養指導は家族にもわかりやすく好評である.コンピューターゲームの普及など小児を取り巻く 環境の変化のために,小児が戸外で運動する機会がめっきり減少したことは小児肥満が増加 した一因であると思われる.そこで,京都府立医科大学小児科では「ジュニアフィットネス」という 教室を月1回実施して親子で体を動かしてもらい,食事療法以外の指導にも取り組んでいる.
  小児肥満の統一した基準を設定し,そこから得られたデータを解析することで新しく,より効率的 な小児肥満の栄養指導を行っていくことが必要と考えられる.

Health education and patient guidance-
Dietetic education for obese infants
Yuriko Sakata, Kazuma Okamoto and Toshikazu Yoshikawa

1Department of Nutrition Support, University Hospital,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
2Department of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
3Department of Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine


   We described the features of infantile obesity and the current status of dietetic education.
Infantile obesity tends to cause fatty change and dysfunction of the liver. It is also correlated with lifestyle disease and metabolic syndrome in adulthood. In meal guidance, we have been aiming not to disturb the normal growth of children, to work with their families, and to spend a long time on the education of obese infants. The increase in the incidence of infantile obesity has been linked to the spread of computer games decreasing the opportunity for children to play outside. We have been holding“Junior Fitness”sessions once a month, which are physical exercise classes for obese children
and their parents.
   It is important that we analyze data obtained from novel criteria and effectively perform dietetic guidance to reduce infantile obesity.
Key words:Infantile obesity, Metabolic syndrome, Dietetic education.

上島 康生,ほか Ueshima Yasuo et al,

上島 康生,常塚 啓彰,門谷 弥生,山下 哲郎
小出 一真,塩飽 保博,李  哲柱,栗岡 英明



  症例は58歳男性,1992年に右眼窩腺様嚢胞癌にて腫瘍摘出術を受け, 2005年10月に検診で胸部X線検査上腫瘤影を発見され,胸部CTにて左肺転移と診断し手術を行った.手術所見で左肺上葉内に1個と,胸膜に2個の腫瘤が あり何れも切除し,病理検査で腺様嚢胞癌と診断された.2006年5月のCTで左肺上葉に腫瘤再出現し,手術所見で肺内に3個と胸膜に2個の腫瘤を認め,いずれも再切除を行い,腺様嚢胞癌と診断された.腺様嚢胞癌は末梢の気管支に発生することは非常にまれであることと,病理検査で組織像が類似していることから涙腺腺様嚢胞癌からの肺,胸膜転移と診断した.術後7ヶ月の現在,遠隔,局所


A case report of lung and pleural metastases of
adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland

Yasuo Ueshima, Hiroaki Tsunezuka, Yayoi Kadotani,
Tetsuro Yamashita, Kazuma Koide, Yasuhiro Shioaki,
Tettyuu Lee and Hideaki Kurioka

Department of Surgery, Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital


   A 57-year-old man who underwent the resection of an adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the lacrimal gland in 1992 showed an abnormal shadow in the left upper lung field on x-ray examination of the chest. Computed tomography (CT) suggested metastatic lung tumors; no other systemic metastatic lesions were detected. Subsequently, surgery was
performed. The operative findings comfirmed 1 pulmonary metastatic lesion and 2 pleural metastatic lesions. All the 3 metastatic lesions were resected, and pathological examination revealed that the lesions were ACCs. Since the ACC commonly originates in the trachea or the main bronchus, the lesion in our case, which originated in the peripheral lung, was believed to be metastatic. Chest CT performed in May 2006 showed recurrent nodules in the left upper lobe of the lung, and hence, surgery was repeated. All the lesions (3 pulmonary metastases and 2 pleural metastases) were resected. Presently, it is 7 months since the second surgery and the patient is doing well without recurrence. A rare case of metastatic lung tumor was reported.

Key words: Adenoid cystic carcinoma, Lacrimal gland, Lung metastasis.

古倉 聡  Satoshi Kokura


古倉  聡



  進行消化器癌の多くは,全身病として取り扱う必要がある.そのため,治療法も 全身に抗癌作用が働く方法を選択する必要がある.一般的には,全身化学療法や 癌免疫療法といった治療法が全身病としての進行癌の治療に用いられている.
温熱療法と抗癌剤との併用効果については,様々な癌に対して臨床試験が実施さ れ,その有効性がすでに検証されている.癌免疫療法との併用についてはいまだ 科学的な臨床試験のデータはほとんどなく,我々も現在,温熱併用癌ワクチン療法
と温熱併用細胞療法の有用性を基礎的および臨床的に検討中である.本稿では, 進行消化器癌に対する我々の治療戦略について,現状,理論的背景,今後の展望 について概説する.

Hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy,
or immunotherapy against for advanced cancers
Satoshi Kokura

Department of Biomedical Safety Science,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

   Most of advanced cancer should be treated as systemic diseases. For that reason, the therapies for these cancer need to extend to whole body. In general, systemic chemotherapy and cancer immunotherapy are selected for advanced cancer. Hyperthermia is one of the effective modalities in the treatment of advanced cancer.
We treated advanced cancer with hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy or immunotherapy. The clinical trials of chemo-hyperthermia against for several kinds of cancer have been performed, and the efficacy of this therapy was already verified. On the other hand, the clinical trial of the combination of hyperthermia with immunotherapy have not been reported. At present, we have investigated both the efficacy of hyperthermia combined with cancer vaccine and the efficacy of hyperthermia combined with cell therapy. This review introduces our treatment strategy for patients with advanced cancer, especially the present status of these treatments, theoretical background, and a new vista of the future.
Key Words: Local hyperthermia, Whole body hyperthermia, Advanced Cancer,
         Heat shock protein, Cancer immunotherapy.

山崎 真裕  Masahiro Yamazaki,


山崎  真裕


  背 景:
男性において血清内因性アンドロゲン濃度が低値であることは心血 管疾患の増加と関係があるといわれてきた.われわれはこの研究で,男性2型 糖尿病患者の動脈硬化の進展における内因性アンドロゲンの保護作用を評価
  方法と結果:男性2型糖尿病患者113人の血清遊離テストステロン濃度を測 定し,頚動脈内膜中膜肥厚度(IMT)との関係を,主要な心血管病変の危険因 子である年齢,血圧,血清脂質濃度,HbA1c,BMIとの関係と同様に評価した.
血清遊離テストステロン濃度と平均IMT増加とは逆相関を示した (r=-0.311,P=0.0007).血清遊離テストステロン濃度の低い患者の平均IMT 増加は高い患者と比較して有意に大きかった(P=0.0017).平均IMT増加と 年齢は有意な正相関を示し,総コレステロール値と有意な逆相関を示した.
重回帰分析では,血清遊離テストステロン濃度とHDLコレステロール値が独立 した平均IMT増加の決定因子であった.
  結 論:男性2型糖尿病患者において血清遊離テストステロン濃度が低値で あることは頚動脈内膜中膜肥厚度の進展と関連があると考えられた.


Low serum testosterone concentration is
a predictor of the progression of carotid
atherosclerosis in men with type 2 diabetes

Masahiro Yamazaki

Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

Low serum concentrations of endogenous androgens have been linked with increased cardiovascular disease risk in men. We evaluated the protective role of endogenous androgens in the development of atherosclerosis in men with type 2 diabetes in this study.
Methods and Results― Serum free testosterone concentrations were measured in 113 men with type 2 diabetes. We evaluated the relationships of the progression of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) to serum free testosterone concentrations as well as to major cardiovascular risk factors including age, blood pressure, serum lipid concentration, HbA1c, and BMI. An inverse correlation was found between serum free testosterone concentration and delta mean IMT (r=-0.311, P=0.0007). Delta mean IMT was significantly greater in patients with lower concentrations of serum testosterone (<10 pg/ml) than in patients with higher concentrations (P=0.0017). We found a positive correlation between delta mean IMT and age (r=0.238, P=0.0123), and an inverse correlation between delta mean IMT
and total cholesterol concentration (r=-0.312, P=0.0010). Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that serum free testosterone concentration (β=-0.236, P=0.0346) and HDL-cholesterol concentration (β=-0.294, P=0.0128) were independent determinants of delta mean IMT.
Conclusions― Low serum free testosterone concentrations were associated with the progression of carotid IMT in men with type 2 diabetes.

Key words:Testosterone, IMT, Type 2 diabetes, Men.

森 泰清,ほか  Yasukiyo Mori et al,



森  泰清,岸本 典子

  慢性腎臓病(chronic kidney disease:CKD)が一つの疾患概念として 打ち立てられ,その対策が始まった.なぜならば, 1 )現在,世界的に 透析患者が急速に増加しており,わが国においても顕著である.よって, 患者の立場からも,医療経済面からも,透析患者数増加に対する抑制策 が求められており, 2 )CKDは心血管病の独立した危険因子であり,  3 )早期に介入すれば慢性腎臓病の治療が可能であるようになってきて いるからである.CKDの定義と病期分類,それに基づく医療側の行動に
ついても診療ガイドが提唱された.これを機に全医療者において,CKDに 関する理解と的確な対応の実現が望まれる.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD): definition and diagnosis
Yasukiyo Mori and Noriko Kishimoto
Department of Nephrology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science


   Chronic kidney disease(CKD)has been established as a certain entity of the diseases, and the task for the CKD is recently started in Japan. The background in the campaign against the CKD is as follows: 1)the number of dialysis patients is continuously in the world including Japanese, 2)CKD is the independent risk factor for cardio-vascular disease, 3)CKD in early stage is becoming treatable.
The guideline for the definition and classification for CKD was published. Now, the physicians as well as co-workers in any medical field need the comprehensive understanding and the appropriate action for CKD.
Key words: Chronic kidney disease, End stage renal disease, Dialysis therapy.

牛込 秀隆,ほか  Hidetaka Ushigome et al,



牛込 秀隆1 ,岡本 雅彦2,吉村 了勇1,2



  血液浄化法とは,浸透,拡散,限外濾過,吸着などの原理により血液の量的・ 質的異常の是正や病因物質の除去を行う治療手段の総称である.急性重症疾 患から慢性疾患まで様々な領域で行われており,各種病態に応じた適応・方法 が確立されている.末期腎不全(end-stage renal disease; ESRD)に対する血液 浄化法には血液透析(hemodialysis; HD),腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis; PD)などがあるが,本邦では血液透析(HD)が約97%を占めている.10年以上の長期透析患者が全体の25%となり,粗死亡率が9%程度と安定しており,生命予後の面では良好に管理できているが,近年,高齢透析患者,合併症を多数有する長期透析患者や糖尿病性患者の増加に伴い,QOL・ADLの面では決して満足できる状況ではない.今後,糖尿病性腎症の増加に伴う末期腎不全患者の増加は,国家の医療財源を窮迫し,それによる保険診療の制限からさらに合併症
キーワード: 末期腎不全,血液透析,腹膜透析,Kt/V,在宅血液透析.

Hemocatharsis for end-stage renal disease
Hidetaka Ushigome1, Masahiko Okamoto2 and Norio Yoshimura1,2
1Department of Transplantation and Regenerative Surgery,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  Graduate School of Medical Science
2Department of Organ Interaction Research Medicine,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

   Hemocatharsis for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) with osmosis, diffusion, ultrafiltration and absorption, corrects aberration of quality and quantity of blood and removes etiologic agent. There are hemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD) in hemocatharsis method, and hemodialysis (HD) accounts for about 97% in Japan.
Hemodialysis patients (about 260,000) in Japan account for about 20% of all hemodialysis patients in the world and become world second position. These days the treatment for various dialysis complications has been improved and the performance of the dialysis has been better. However, innovative improvement for ADL or QOL is absent. Peritoneal dialysis for older ESRD patients may be extended as new medical assistance for older people. Home hemodialysis (HHD) may delay the onset of dialysis complications and may make prognosis of dialysis patients better.
Key Words: End-stage renal disease, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis,Kt/V, Home hemodialysis.

岩元 則幸,ほか  Moriyuki Iwamoto et al,



岩元 則幸,佐藤  暢,中ノ内恒如

  腎性骨異栄養症は慢性腎臓病に伴う骨回転の異常であり,末期腎不全 患者の重大な合併症の一つである.
  活性型VDの発見と副甲状腺機能亢進症の理解の進化は腎性骨異栄養症 を克服するかに思えた.しかし,活性型VDとアルミニウム含有リン吸着剤に よる腎性骨異栄養症の治療は石灰化前線にAl沈着を伴う臨床的に多発性 骨折を特徴とするアルミ骨症をもたらした.透析液の逆浸透処理とアルミ含有 リン吸着剤の炭酸Caへの変更はアルミ骨症の終焉に至った.しかしながら,
炭酸Caをリン吸着剤とする状況での,活性型VDあるいは外科的な切除による 副甲状腺機能の抑制は過剰な抑制を来し,骨形態学的にはアルミ沈着を伴 わない無形成骨をもたらした.日本における透析患者は年間粗死亡率約10% で,その第一は心血管病変によるもので約25%を占めている.死因の第一位は 腎性骨異栄養症ではなく心血管系合併症である.透析患者は血管石灰化が 高度である,血管石灰化を伴う患者は血清リン値・血清Ca・Pi積が高値であり かつ経口炭酸Caの摂取量が多い,Ca非含有リン吸着剤では高Ca血症, 低PTH血症および血管石灰化の発生頻度がより少ない,骨代謝と血管石灰化がより密接に関係しているなど臨床的に明らかとなってきた.in vitroでも,血管 石灰化は血管平滑筋細胞の骨芽細胞様形質転換によって能動的な機序で発生 し,血管平滑筋細胞の形質転換は,高リン血症,高Ca血症,尿毒症などによって 引き起こされることが明らかになった.

Mineral-Bone disorder with chronic kidney disease
Noriyuki Iwamoto, Nodoka Satou and Tuneaki Nakanouti
Department of Urology, Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital

   Renal osteodystrophy(ROD)is abnormalities in bone turnover in patients with chronic kidney disease, and is one of the devastating complications of endstage kidney disease, manifesting as renal ricket, multiple fracures and/or skeletal
deformities. As discovery of active vitamin D3 and understanding of renal hyperparathyroidism(HPT), treatment of ROD with active vitaminD3 and Al-containing phosphate binder resulted in Al-associated bone disease histologically-featured by
Al deposition at calcification front. After introduction of reverse osmosis of dialysate and withdrawal of Al-containing phosphate binder, Al-associated bone disease disappeared. But mainstay of treatement of ROD had been suppression of parathyroid function, medically with active vitaminD3, surgically with PTx or percutaneous ethanol injection, under the control of serum phosphate with Ca-containing phosphate binder, which resulted in oversuppression of parathyroid unction, cession of bone turnover (adynamic bone).
   In Japan, mortality rates remain about 10 percent per years in patients on dialysis, with about 25 percent of the death related to cardiovascular disease which is the most common cause of mortality. The most common cause of death is not ROD but cardiovascular disease.
   Vascular calcification is a common and severe complication in endstage renal disease. The patients with vascular calcification has high phophate concentration, high calcium-phosphorus product and high oral uptake of Ca-containing phosphate binder.
In randamized trial, non-Ca-containing phophate binder is less likely to cause hypercalcemica, low PTH, and vascular calcification. Bone turnover and vascular calcification are recognized as interrelated increasingly. Vascular calcification is not passive but active process by osteoblastic change of vascular smooth muscle cells by hyperphosphatemia, hypercalcemia and uremia. These changed the paradime of ROD treatment for the longevity and improved Quality of life of patients on dialysis. KDIGO developed Classification and definition of mineral metabolism and ROD, and JSDT proposed
guidelines for the management of secondary HPT in chronic dialysis patients, in 2006.
   We review historical change of treatment of ROD, proposal of KDIGO and guidline for secondary HPT presented by JSDT in 2006, referring to a little-debated subjects and future aspects in renal HPT.
Key words: CKD, ROD, Active vitamin D3, HPT, Vascular calcification1.

松原 弘明 Hiroaki Matsubara


心腎連関について(心腎症候群:cardiorenal syndrome)
松原  弘明
京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科 循環器内科学

  心臓と腎臓は病態生理学的に関連が深く,一方に障害が起こると他方と連関 して悪循環を形成する(心腎症候群).また最近の疫学調査より腎機能障害, 蛋白尿の存在は心血管疾患の独立した危険因子であることが明らかとなった.
加えて,人口の高齢化や糖尿病の増加に伴い腎機能低下,蛋白尿を有する患者は 増加の一途にあり,世界的な問題となっている.心,腎の機能的関連にはレニン・ アンジオテンシン系,酸化ストレス,炎症,交感神経の活性化などが関与している.
しかしながら,心腎症候群に対する治療としてのエビデンスは未だ乏しく,現時点 では動脈硬化を抑制するための血圧管理を含めた生活習慣の改善,および慢性 腎臓病に対する早期からの介入が最も重要である.

Cardiorenal syndrome
Hiroaki Matsubara
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Scinence

   The pathophysiological correlation between kidney and heart exists obviously. When one of these organs deteriorates functionally, a vicious cycle develops, which is called ‘cardiorenal syndrome’. Both the proteinuria and the impaired kidney function correlate with the substantial increase in cardiovascular disease independently to the other risk factors. The number of patients with renal dysfunction or with proteinuria increase mainly due to aging and diabetes. Accelerated activity of the renin-angiotensin system, oxidative stress, inflammation, and the enhanced activity of the sympathetic
nervous system appear to play the important roles in the pathophysiology in chronic renal disease as well as heart failure. Since there is little evidence on treatment of patients with cardiorenal dysfunction, it is important to prevent the atherosclerosis and renal dysfunction by anti-hypertensive and lipid-lowering therapy including the lifestyle modification.
Key words: Cardiorenal syndrome, Proteinuria, Chronic kidney disease,Cardiovascular disease.

岡本 雅彦,ほか  Masahiko Okamoto et al.



岡本 雅彦1,秋岡 清一2,吉村 了勇1,3



  腎移植は末期腎不全の治療法として確立されたものであり,腎の生理的機能 をすべて代行しうる点で理想的なものであるといえる.欧米ではcadaveric donor からの移植が盛んに行われているが,わが国では死体腎の提供は伸び悩み腎 移植の大部分は生体腎移植として行われている.全体の症例数は増加傾向に あり,2006年には年間症例数が初めて1000例を突破した.腎移植の成績は周術期 の管理,カルシニューリンインヒビター(CNI)や抗体製剤など免疫抑制剤の進歩等 により,ほぼ満足するレベルに達したといえる.また近年は血液型不適合例やクロスマッチ陽性例など以前難しいとされていた移植も成功するようになり,透析を行なわず保存期腎不全で移植を行うpreemptive腎移植も増加傾向にある.今後長期生着を考えた場合,高血圧,糖尿病などの内科的管理が重要であり,また このような合併症を起こしにくいような新規免疫抑制剤の開発が望まれる.


Recent issues in renal transplantation

Masahiko Okamoto1, Kiyokazu Akioka2 and Norio Yoshimura1,3

1Department of Organ Interaction Research Medicine,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
2Department of Surgery, Omihachiman Community Medical Center
3Department of Transplantation and Regenerative Surgery,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineGraduate School of Medical Science


   Renal transplantation is the established therapy for the end stage renal insufficiency, and ideal one because it exerts all of physiological kidney functions. Although, renal transplantation from cadaveric donor has been widely done in Europe and the United States, most of them were donated by living donor in Japan. However, total number of renal transplantation has been growing which exceeded one thousand for the first time in 2006. Renal transplantation is now producing satisfactory results by virtue of perioperative management and immunosuppressive agents such as calcineurin inhibitor and specific antibody. In these days, ABO-incompatible and cross match-positive cases, which were thought to be difficult, previously, can be done successfully. And so-called preemptive transplantation, which is done before induction of hemodialysis, is now increasing. To get the better long-term outcome, internal management for hypertension and diabetes is essential, and advent of new immunosuppressant which reduces such complication is desirable.

Key words: Kidney transplantation, Immunosuppression, Graft survival.

大辻 英吾  Eigo Otsuji


大辻  英吾



  モノクローナル抗体は血清診断だけでなく,画像診断の精度の向上にも応用されている. 放射性同位元素でモノクローナル抗体を標識し,腫瘍イメージングを行い癌病巣を同定する ことも可能である.また,微粒子磁性鉄とモノクローナル抗体を結合してMRIの造影剤として 用いることで,MRIの画像では腫瘍が低信号を呈するようになる.このように癌の診断を目的
  モノクローナル抗体は癌の診断だけでなく治療への応用の可能である.例えば,モノクロ ーナル抗体を制癌剤や毒素と結合することによって複合体を形成し,抗腫瘍効果を持った 物質を選択的に腫瘍に到達させる,いわゆる標的療法が可能である.また,放射性同位元素 でモノクローナル抗体を標識して癌病巣の内照射が可能となる.最近ではこの標的療法の 考え方は分子標的治療へと発展し,癌細胞膜に存在する分子を直接攻撃することによって 癌の進展を抑制する治療も臨床応用されつつある.本稿ではこのようなモノクローナル抗体 による癌の診断と治療への応用について現状と問題点について述べる.

Application of monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis and
treatment of human digestive cancer
Eigo Otsuji
Department of Digestive Surgery,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science


Radioimmunoscintigraphic applications of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) for noninvasive detection and visualization of target tumors have grown immersely, and it suggests that Mabs can reach specifically to the targeted tumors in the uman body. Radionuclides, cytotoxic drugs and anti-cancer drugs can be coupled to these specific MAbs to detect the extent of disease and / or to treat the tumors. Many of such immunoconjugates were studied for targeting therapy for cancer in animal experiments and some of them have applied to human. In this paper, we described the existing status of application of Mabs for diagnosis and immunotargeting therapy of digestive cancers.
Key words: 
Monoclonal antibody, A7, Targeting chemotherap

城 正泰,ほか  Masayasu Jo et al.


城 正泰1,堂上 友紀2,沢田 尚久3,松原 弘明3



 症例は62歳女性.統合失調症で当院精神科通院中であったが,抗精神病薬(Haloperidol ほか)にて自殺を図り意識障害で当院へ救急搬送された.入院時血液検査にて筋原酵素の上昇,炎症所見,胸部X線で右上肺野に浸潤影をみとめた.筋強剛は明らかでなかったが、高熱(38.7℃)も伴っており悪性症候群および誤嚥性肺炎と診断し,Dantroleneにて治療を開始した.また来院時血圧低下はなかったが,入院10時間後より徐々に血圧が低下し,Dopamine,Norepinephrine各昇圧剤の投与上限量で血圧が維持される状態まで悪化した.同時に呼吸状態も悪化し人工呼吸管理を要したが,第5病日に快方に向かった.一般に悪性症候群は自律神経障害から血圧が変動すると言われているが,血圧上昇が多い.著明な低血圧を合併した悪性症候群の例は少なく,若干の考察を加え報告する.


A case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome with severe hypotension after taking a large amount of antipsychotic drugs

Masayasu Jo 1,Tomoki Doue 2,Takahisa Sawada 3 and Hiroaki Matsubara 3

1Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
2Meiji University of Oriental Medicine
3Department of Cardiology and Vasucular Regenerative Medicine,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science


 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome(NMS) is a rare disease, but can sometimes be fatal. We report herein in a case of NMS with severe hypotension. A 62-year-old- woman was admitted to our hospital because of impaired consciousness. She had been using psychiatric services because of herschizophrenia. However, she took a large amount of antipsychotic drugs(haloperidol and others) due to her suicidal tendencies. Laboratory date on admission showed elevated myogenic enzymes and inflammatory reaction. Chest X-ray showed infiltrative signs in the right upper lung area. Although she did not typical symptoms of muscle rigidity or hyperthermia, we clinically diagnosed that she was suffering from NMS and aspiration pneumonia,and we began to administer Dantrolene as a specific remedy for NMS. Ten hours after admission,her blood pressure went down remarkably, combined with respiratory disturbances.High doses of vasopressors (dopamine, norepinephrine) and mechanical respilatory assistance were required to maintain her vital signs.Her general condition improved on the 5th hospital day. Generally, NMS causes unstable blood pressure because of autonomic disturbance, and sometimes manifests as severe hypotension. Intensive care is required in the acute phase.

Key words: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome,Autonomic disorder,Hypotensionl.

阪倉 長平,ほか  Chohei Sakakura et al.

<特集「内視鏡手術 1」>


阪倉 長平,萩原 明於,大辻 英吾



Clinicopathological study of laparoscope-assisted surgery for
the disease of digestive truct

Chouhei Sakakura, Akeo Hagiwara and Eigo Otsuji

Department of Digestive Surgery,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science


   The successful application of laparoscopic surgery to gallbladder disease and acute appendicitis has encouraged clinical investigators to develop this technology further in an attempt to manage other pathologic disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. After gaining experience with various laparoscopic skills while performing clinical biliary tract surgery, appendectomy and then in a controlled animal laboratory, a pilot program for laparoscopic colonic surgery was initiated.
   We assessed data extraction and study quality and performed a quantitative data analysis of six published and 4 unpublished studies. All primary and secondary outcomes showed good homogeneity, except for morbidity, which was described heterogeneously between the studies. There was no disadvantage to laparoscopic colon resection in any of these primary and secondary outcomes, compared with the conventional open technique. Three-dimensional arterial computed tomography (3D-CTA) and laparoscope-assisted cancer resection as a combination of minimally invasive examination and treatment.
   Although laparoscope-assisted surgery for advanced cancers may still be considered a procedure in evolution, the results of this study suggest that present evidence indicates that laparoscopic cancer resection is as safe and efficacious as the conventional open technique. Further research in this area combined with advances in laparoscopic technology will be critical for successful application of laparoscopic surgery to gastric as well as colorectal cancers.

Key Words: Laparoscope, Colorectal cancer, Gastric cancer.
Abbreviations: LAS: Laparoscope assisted surgery.

島田 順一  Junichi Shimada

<特集「内視鏡手術 1」>

島田  順一

内視鏡手術は,1806年にドイツのPhillip Bozziniに始まり,1910年に スウェーデンのJacobeusがCystoscopyを用いたのが,胸部疾患に対する胸腔鏡手術の始まりであった.我が国では,1992年に胸腔鏡手術 研究会が創立された.胸腔鏡手術は1994年4月に保険収載され,日本の 呼吸器外科界に変革を起こすことになった.昨年の日本内視鏡外科学会のアンケート調査によると,呼吸器外科領域で内視鏡下手術の増加が著しい とされている.2005年度は,肺癌に対して3676例のVATSが施行され,肺癌手術の約2割をVATSが占めることとなった.一方,手術の危険性に関しては, 2004,2005年の2年間の肺癌症例の集計から,VATSにおける死亡率は0.1% であった.これに先立つ1990年から2003年までの14年間の肺癌手術の死亡率 は,0.06%であったことを考慮すると,VATS創命期に当たり若干高くなったと判断できるのか,今後の追跡調査を注意深く見ていく必要があろう.胸腔鏡手術の術中の偶発症として,深刻なものは血管損傷である.大出血時の短時間での即応には胆識が必要である.胸腔鏡手術については,治療技術として患者にとって最良の結果を得られるよう,今後も医療機器,手術手技ともに最新のものを取り入れ,胸腔鏡手術の適応と限界を熟慮しつつ手術に向かい合いたい.

Endoscopic operation in respiratory surgery
Junichi Shimada
Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

   Phillip Bozzini started endoscopic surgery in 1806. Jacobeus performed the surgery against pleural disease using a Cystoscopy, as a thoracoscope, inserted through the chest wall and into the pleural space in 1910. The Japanese Society
  of Thoracoscopic Surgery was found and 1st Annual Meeting was held in 1992.
Thoracoscopic surgery was first added in Japanese National Health Insurance price listing in 1994 April. It has a direct influence on the number of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in the Japanese Society of respiratory surgery.
The number of VATS has been increasing according to the questionnaire survey of the Japanese Society of endoscopic surgery. In 2005, 3676 cases of VATSs were performed to the patients with lung cancer, which consisted of 20% of those with lung cancer patients. The mortality of VATS was 0.1% from 2004 to 2005. To consider the mortality of lung cancer surgery was 0.06% from 1990 to 2003, the mortality of VATS is slightly high. We must take the most care of treating pulmonary vessels as a massive hemorrhage might be life-threatening to the patients. We should ordinarily face VATS in order to obtain the best result for the patients. We must continuously incorporate new medical equipment and new surgical procedures into our skill, deliberating the adaptation and the limit of thoracoscopic operation with great care.

Key Words:
 Thoracoscope, Lung cancer, Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery.

中嶋 啓雄,ほか  Hiroo Nakajima et al.

<特集「内視鏡手術 1」>

中嶋 啓雄1,藤原 郁也1,2

  乳腺外科における鏡視下乳房温存手術は,1995年頃から本邦において開発され,発展してきた術式である.皮膚浸潤を伴わない乳癌が適応となり,皮膚切開創を見えにくい場所に移動させ,skin sparing glandectomyと乳房の同時再建を行うことで,高い整容性が得られる手術法である.皮膚切開部位は,傍乳輪・中腋窩線・両者併用の3つに分類される.乳腺切除は,吊り上げ法と皮下トンネル法が用いられることが多い.われわれは,独自に開発したHIROTECHR吊り上げシステムを用いて,安全かつ確実で整容性の高い手術を行っている.また,当科の鏡視下乳房温存手術の長期成績では,根治性と局所再発率は従来法と同等であった.他施設からも当科と同等の,優れた長期成績が報告されており,高い整容性と根治性が得られる本術式は,今後広く普及するものと考えられる.

Endoscopic breast conserving surgery for breast cancer

Hiroo Nakajima1 and Ikuya Fujiwara1,2
1Department of Endocrine, Breast Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 
 Graduate School of Medical Science
2Department of Translational Cancer Drug Development,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

   Endoscopic breast conserving surgery(EBCS)for breast cancer has bee
developed in Japan from 1995. Patients with breast cancer without skin involvement
would be better candidates for EBCS. This procedure provides better aesthetic
results by changing the skin incision to inconspicuous position, where performing skin
sparing glandectomy, and immediate reconstruction of the breast using various methods.
Whether the skin incision should be put on axillar, periareolar or both location is
dependent on the tumor location in the breast. Partial endoscopic glandectomy is
performed by lifting method and subcutaneous-tunnel method. The special lifting system,
HIROTECHR, which we originally have developed, is very useful for safer and more
reliable operation. Our long-term clinical results showed that the curability and local
recurrence rate of breast cancer were as same as those of conventional operation, and
aesthetic results were more satisfactory. The long-term outcomes of EBCS have also
been reported from other institutions, showing the equal survival rate to our report. EBCS
for breast cancer would be more popularized in future, because of its significant esthetics,
safety, and curability.
Key Words: Breast conserving surgery, Endoscopic breast surgery, HIROTECH®
         Breast reconstruction, Cosmetic surgery.

土井 潔,ほか  Kiyoshi Doi et al.

<特集「内視鏡手術 1」>


土井  潔,夜久  均


  1990年代以降,他外科系の分野と同じく心臓血管外科においても内視鏡 手術が登場してきた.この領域における内視鏡手術には,人工心肺を用い る僧帽弁手術,冠動脈バイパス術および心房中隔壁欠損閉鎖術と,人工心 肺を用いない肺静脈隔離術や動脈管閉鎖術などがある.人工心肺として大腿動静脈からアプローチ出来るPort access法を用い,さらに手術操作には

Endoscopic cardiovascular surgery
Kiyoshi Doi and Hitoshi Yaku
Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science

   In 1990’s, endoscopic procedures started to bloom in various types of surgical fields including cardiovascular surgery. However, current endoscopic procedures in the cardiovascular surgery are not as popular as those in other surgical fields. The most common procedures that can be accomplished with this technique include: mitral valve surgery, repair of atrial septal defect, coronary artery bypass grafting, surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation (pulmonary vein isolation) and ligation of patent ductus arteriosus. In this technique, cardiopulmonary bypass is established using the Port access system via
cannulation into the femoral artery and vein. Robotic surgical system is also required to enable fine manipulation in the thoracic cavity. Although some oversea hospitals perform endoscopic cardiac surgery on a routine basis, their clinical
results are not as good as those of conventional techniques.
Key Words: Endoscopic surgery, Cardiovascular surgery, Robotic surgery.

沼尻 敏明,ほか  Toshiaki Numajiri et al.


沼尻 敏明1,藤原 貴史1,西野 健一1,中野  宏2,島田 剛敏2,四ノ宮 隆2,中井  茂2
久  育男2,上田 祐二3,山岸 久一3


  当院耳鼻咽喉科・消化器外科・形成外科合同で2年間に行った遊離空腸移植 19例に対して,手術時間,出血量,空腸阻血時間,吻合動脈,吻合静脈,術後経口摂食開始日数,食事内容,術後入院日数,合併症の有無などについて調査を行った.
  手術時間は平均873.9分(520~1432分),出血量は平均634.9g(178~1850g),空腸阻血時間は平均182.9分(135~210分),吻合動脈は上甲状腺動脈7例,頸横動脈7例,胸肩峰動脈2例,舌動脈2例,上甲状腺動脈および頸横動脈1例,吻合静脈は 内頸静脈17例,外頸静脈1例,胸肩峰静脈1例であった.術後経口摂食開始日数は 平均18.7日(12~65日),食事内容は常食8例,軟食9例,不可能1例,術後入院日数は 平均78.8日(28~170日)であった.合併症については,壊死2例,吻合部狭窄2例, 創部感染2例で,瘻孔形成を生じたものはなかった.
  遊離空腸移植術は,通常の下咽頭癌,頸部食道癌に対しての咽頭喉頭頸部食道摘出術後の再建だけでなく,食道胃管縫合不全による狭窄に対しても可能であった.頸部の移植床血管として頸横動脈と上甲状腺動脈が有用であったが,血管に問題がある場合や放射線照射後には,舌動脈や胸肩峰動脈,静脈移植などが有効で あった.合併症としての壊死に対する再再建方法は,有茎皮弁よりも再度の遊離空腸移植の方が良い結果を得られた.


Clinical evaluation of free jejunal transfer foresophagopharyngeal reconstruction

Toshiaki Numajiri1, Takashi Fujiwara1,Kenichi Nishino1, Hiroshi Nakano2,Taketoshi Shimada2
Takashi Shinomiya2,Shigeru Nakai2, Yasuo Hisa2,Yuji Ueda3 and Hisakazu Yamagishi3

1Department of Surgery,Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
2Otorhinolaryngology Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science
3Department of Surgery, Division of Digestive Surgery,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine


   We studied 19 cases of free jejunal transfer that were performed over a period of two years in our department. The mean operating time was 873.9 minutes (520-1432 minutes), the mean blood loss was 634.9 g (178-1850 g), and the
mean duration of ischemia was 182.9 minutes (135-210 minutes). The following arteries were anastomosed: superior thyroid artery (n=7); transverse cervical artery (n=7); thoracoacromial artery (n=2); lingual artery (n=2); and thyroid and transverse cervicalarteries (n=1). The following veins were anastomosed: internal jugular vein (n=17); external jugular vein (n=1); and thoracoacromial vein (n=1). Patients began consuming fluids 18.7 days (12-65 days) postoperatively. Eight patients received a normal diet, nine received a soft diet, and one patient was unable to ingest solids. The mean duration of postoperative hospitalization was 78.8 days (28-170 days). Complications were necrosis (n=2), stenosis (n=2), and infection (n=2).
   Free jejunal transfer was used not only for total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy in cases of pharyngeal or esophageal cancer but also for salvage restoration of postoperative cervical esophageal stenosis caused by distal necrosis of a pulled-up stomach in a patient who underwent surgery for thoracic esophageal cancer. The superior thyroid and transverse cervical arteries were useful recipient arteries. The lingual artery and the thoracoacrominal artery accompanied by a vein graft were effective recipient arteries in cases of preoperative irradiation and cases in which the
other arteries were damaged. Free jejunal transfer was superior to pedicled musculocutaneous flaps for secondary reconstruction after total necrosis of primary free jejunal transfers.

Key Words:microsurgery, pharyngoesophageal reconstruction,
         neck surgery, free jejunum.

竹中 秀也,ほか  Hideya Takenaka et al.


竹中 秀也,浅井  純,岸本 三郎


  皮膚創傷治癒を経時的に観察すると,創内では劇的な変化が起きて おり,組織学的には急性炎症期,肉芽組織形成期(増殖期)を経て瘢痕 期(成熟期,再編期)に移行し,創傷治癒は終息する.実際の創傷ではこれらの過程がオーバーラップしながら治癒へと向かうが,これら一連の流れをわれわれは創傷治癒カスケードと呼んでいる.創傷治癒カスケードではそれぞれの時相で活性化された多様な細胞群,またそれら細胞群より分泌されるサイトカインや増殖因子,細胞外マトリックスなどが相互に作用しあい複雑なネットワークを形成している.本稿では,皮膚創傷治癒のメカニズムについて,創傷治癒に関わる細胞群やサイトカイン,増殖因子などを中心に,骨髄由来細胞による組織再生などの新しい知見を踏まえて解説した.


Cutaneous wound healing
―contribution of bone marrow-derived cells─

Hideya Takenaka, Jun Asai and Saburo Kishimoto

Department of Dermatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science


   We present an outline of the cutaneous wound healing cascade, emphasizing the importance of the contribution of bone marrow-derived cells during wound healing. Recent findings suggest that vasculogenesis from bone marrow-derived
endothelial progenitor cells might contribute to the formation of blood vessels in granulation tissues, as well as the angiogenesis. In addition, it is suggested that lymphangiogenesis might be, in part, induced by macrophages and that
macrophages themselves might transdifferentiate into lymphatic endothelial cells during wound healing.

Key Words: Wound healing, Bone marrow-derived cell,Endothelial progenitor cell, Neovasculogenesis,          Lymphangiogenesis.

井上 敦夫,ほか  Atsuo Inoue et al.

<特集「内視鏡手術 2」>


井上 敦夫,新井 祐志,久保 俊一





Arthroscopy in joint diseases

Atsuo Inoue, Yuji Arai and Toshikazu Kubo

Department of Orthopaedics, Graduate School of Medical Science,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

   In orthopaedic field, arthroscopy is an essential tool for diagnosis and surgery, which was born and developed in Japan. At first time, it was used as a tool for the diagnosis of joint disease, but recently it was developed as the tool for surgery, especially in knee joint surgery. The arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery for the various joint diseases, but matured skill is required.
   In this paper, we would like to show the history and character of arthroscopy. We also show the arthroscopic techniques for the treatments of meniscal tear, anterior cruciate ligament injury, rotator cuff injury, and ostochondritis dissecans of elbow in our department.
   The tool and skill of arthroscopy have been developed dramatically in recent years. Now it is necessary to make the educational system for arthroscopic surgery.

Key Words: Arthroscopy, History of arthroscopy, Arthroscopic surgery, Educational system.

長江 将輝,ほか  Masateru Nagae et al.

<特集「内視鏡手術 2」>


長江 将輝,三上 靖夫,久保 俊一




Microendoscopic surgery for the treatment of spinal disorders

Masateru Nagae, Yasuo Mikami and Toshikazu Kubo

Department of Orthopaedics, Graduate School of Medical Science,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

   Recently, the microendoscopic surgery has spread to spinal surgeon as minimally invasive surgery for the spine. With the microendoscopic surgery, the operation wound is small in comparison with the conventional surgery. Moreover, the greatest characteristic of the microendoscopic surgery unlike a microscopic surgery is that it brings a wide field of vision from the neighboring position by an object.
   At first, the spinal microendoscopic surgery was developed for discectomy to treat lumbar disc herniation, and this technique is now applied for the treatment of lumbar spinal canal stenosis (LSCS) and disorder of cervical spine.
   We developed new microendoscopic decompression via interspinous midline approach for LSCS. We have reported the good short-term clinical results of this procedure. In this article, we mentioned the outline of this procedure.
   The microendoscopic surgery for the spinal disorders may become popular in the future. But the microendoscopic surgery requires practiced techniques, and should be perfomed properly and safely by the practiced operator.

Key Words: Microendoscope, Lumbar disc herniation, Lumbar spinal canal stenosis.

河内 明宏,ほか  Akihiro Kawauchi et al.

<特集「内視鏡手術 2」>


河内 明宏,三木 恒治





Laparoscopic surgery in urology

Akihiro Kawauchi and Tsuneharu Miki

Department of Urology,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science

   In Urology, applications of laparoscopic surgeries as minimally invasive surgeries have been increasing. For renal cancer, laparoscopic radical nephrectomy is one of the first choice treatments since oncological outcome was proved to be similar to that of open approach. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is an alternative choice for small renal masses. Many upper tract urothelial cancers can be treated by laparoscopic nephroureterectomy with good convalescence and similar prognosis to open one. Indications for laparoscopic plastic surgeries have been expanding. Both of the first cases in Japan of laparoscopic corrections of vesicoureteral reflux using Lich-Gregoir and Cohen techniques were performed first in our department. In this review, recent trends and our experiences are reported.

Key Words: Laparoscopic surgeries for renal cancer, Laparoscopic nephreureterectomy, Laparoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux.

光藤 章二,ほか  Shoji Mitsufuji et al.

<特集「内視鏡手術 2」>

―内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection(ESD)―

光藤 章二,片岡 慶正


  内視鏡的粘膜切除術(Endoscopic Mucosal Resection:EMR)は胃癌内視鏡治療の中心的な手技として発展を遂げてきた.当科ではアルゴンプラズマ凝固法に代表される補助治療法を併用することにより,早期胃癌におけるEMRの遺残・再発率はガイドライン適応病変では2.5%,適応拡大病変では20.2%に抑えられ,再発病変に対しても追加内視鏡治療を行うことにより,最終的に外科的手術を施行したのは全症例の6.8%に過ぎない.しかし,病変の一括切除による完全切除率は70.6%と決して満足のいくものではなかった.
  これに対し,近年開発された内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection:ESD)では適応病変の完全切除率は94.1%と著明に上昇し,現在のところ遺残・再発は見られない.これにはFICE(Fuji Intelligent Color Enhancement)など特殊光内視鏡による正確な範囲診断も一助となっている.


Endoscopic submucosal dissection,
a new technique for resection of early gastric cancer

Shoji Mitsufuji and Keisho Kataoka

Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science


   Endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR)has been a standard therapy for early gastric cancer(EGC). Recurrence rate after EMR for EGC inside the Japanese gastric cancer treatment guideline is 2.5% and that for EGC outside the guideline is 20.2% in this institution. Although the complete resection rate of EMR is only 70.6%, additional endoscopic treatments, such as re-EMR and argon plasma coagulation(APC), have markedly decreased cases which need surgical operation for residual gastric tumor.
   Endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)is a recently developed en-bloc resection technique for EGC. In our series the complete resection rate of ESD for EGC inside the guideline is 94.1% and recurrence is none. A correct diagnosis is necessary for curative resection and new endoscopic imaging technologies play an important role in pre-therapeutic diagnosis.
   Although operation time of ESD is very longer than that of EMR and serious complications, such as delayed profuse bleeding and perforation, can occur, ESD will develop as a frontline technique of endoscopic therapy for EGC instead of EMR in the near future.

Key Words: Early gastric cancer, Endoscopic therapy, Endoscopic mucosal resection, Endoscopic submucosal dissection.

大陽 宏明,ほか  Hiroaki Taiyo et al.


大陽 宏明1,2,稲葉征四郎1,北井 祥三1
荻野 敦弘1,小山 拡史1,大辻 英吾2



Therapeutic effect of surgical treatment
on gastric cancer patients with peritonitis carcinomatosa

Hiroaki Taiyo1,2, Seishiro Inaba1, Shozo Kitai1,
Atsuhiro Ogino1, Hiroshi Koyama1 and Otsuji Eigo2

1Department of surgery, Nara City Hospital
2Department of Digestive Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural
 University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science


   Background: The gastric cancer treatment guideline of the Japan Gastric Cancer Society mentions that there is no definite evidence that the surgical resection of primary lesions by surgery for advanced gastric cancer contributes to the improvement of the post-operative prognosis. We examined the effect of surgical treatment on the prognosis of gastric cancer patients with peritonitis carcinomatosa in order to evaluate the therapeutic effect of surgical treatment in gastric cancer patients. Methods: We treated 545 gastric cancer patients from 1987 to 2000. We analyzed the states and prognoses of 65 patients(11.9%)who were histologically diagnosed with peritonitis carcinomatosa. We divided them into 3 groups and compared the prognosis of each group. Group A comprised 11 non-respectable cases with laparoscopy, Group B, 24 resectable cases with P1 or CY1 with laparoscopy, and Group C, 30 recurrent cases with peritonitis carcinomatosa after curative operation(P0 and Cy0). Results: The mean survival time was 5.82months in Group A, 13.80months in Group B and 7.97months in Group C after the diagnosis of peritonitis carcinomatosa. The prognosis following the diagnosis of peritonitis carcinomatosa was the longest in Group B. There was a close relationship between the period from gastrectomy to recurrence and the prognosis after recurrence of peritonitis carcinomatosa in C group. Discussion: Even if curative surgery is difficult for advanced gastric cancer, there is a possibility that reduction surgery contributes to prognostic improvement.

Key Words: Gastric cancer, Peritonitis carcinomatosa, Operation.

山田 恵,ほか  Kei Yamada et al.

拡散強調画像を用いた神経線維束の描出;Tractography の基礎および臨床
山田   惠,西村 恒彦
拡散強調画像(diffusion-weighted imaging; DWI)はMRIを用いて脳内の 水分子の拡散能を評価するのに使用される手法である.周知のごとく 急性期脳梗塞の画像診断に多大な貢献をしてきた.この撮像法は水分子 の拡散のし易さだけではなく,拡散の方向性にも強い影響を受けることが 臨床応用早期から知られていた.このような状態を“拡散異方性 (anisotropy)”があると表現する.拡散異方性の情報を選択的に記録することを目的としたのがdiffusion tensor imaging(DTI)である.DTIで得られる
情報をもとにして隣接するピクセル同士に異方性のベクトルに連続性があるか否かを検討することで,巨視的な神経線維の走行を想定するのがfiber trackingの概念である.Fiber tracking法の臨床応用には多大な期待が寄せられており,特に脳腫瘍の術前検査として皮質脊髄路を含む重要な神経線維路の位置を推定できる点は有用性の高い分野の一つと考えられる.また脳梗塞においても臨床応用は進んでおり,特に予後との関連に関する研究は臨床的意義が深い可能性がある.


Tractograply using diffusion weighted imaging;Ist basics and clinical application
Kei Yamada and Tsunehiko Nishimura
Department of Radiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Science
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is now part of clinical routine and it is known to be useful in assessing various brain diseases. Further extension of this technique is diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI), which enables characterization of diffusion anisotropy induced by white matter. This technique is useful in assessing white matter integrity of brain, which was previously not possible. For instance, measurement of anisotropy has indicated white matter damage in multiple sclerosis, even at regions with normal appearing white matter. Utilizing the directional information derived from DTI, one can now obtain tractography. This technique is now appreciated as a tool that enables assessment of major white matter tract in vivo. The tool has become as part of presurgical routine examination for brain tumor patients. We have extended the application of this technique to stroke imaging, and have shown that the tool can be used to assess the prognosis of motor function in patients with acute brain infarction.
Key Words: 
Diffusion weighted imaging, Diffusion tensor imaging, Brain, Anatomy.

下間 正隆,ほか  Masataka Shimotsuma et al.


下間 正隆1,番匠谷友紀2,戸田 孝祐1,石井  亘1,下村 克己1柿原 直樹1
松村 博臣1,大垣 雅晴1,宮田 圭悟1,飯塚 亮二2, 井川  理1,藤井 宏二1
泉   浩1,竹中  温1

1京都第二赤十字病院 外科
2京都第二赤十字病院 救急部


  2004年1月から2007年7月までの間に当院で行われた胆嚢摘出術402例 のうち,急性胆嚢炎54例を対象とし,「急性胆管炎・胆嚢炎の診療ガイドライ ン(第1版)」公表前の2004年1月~2005年9月までを前期,2005年10月~ 2007年7月までを後期と分けて,初回の治療法,手術方法,合併症などを 検討した.
  緊急手術の絶対的な適応症例は,前期4例,後期1例であった.前期におい て,早期手術2例,PTGBAなどの経皮的ドレナージ後の待機手術8例,抗菌薬投与などの保存的治療後の待機手術9例であった.後期は,早期手術9例, ドレナージ後の待機手術7例,保存的治療後の待機手術14例と,早期手術症例が増加していた.早期手術の1例は,胆嚢管遺残結石のため,後日に再開腹手術を必要としたが,早期手術,待機手術ともに重篤な術後合併症はみられなかった.


Influence of clinical practice guidelines for acute cholecystitis in our hospital

Masataka Shimotsuma1, Yuki Bansyoutani2,Kousuke Toda1, Wataru Ishii1,
Katsumi Shimomura1, Naoki Kakihara1, Hiroomi Matsumura1,
Masaharu Oogaki1, Keigo Miyata1,Ryouji Iizuka2, Osamu Ikawa1, Kouji Fujii1,
Hiroshi Izumi1, and Atsushi Takenaka1

1Department of Surgery, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital


   The Clinical Practive Guidelines for Acute Biliary Tract Inflammation and Cholecysytitis were presented on September 2005. In the present study, the influence of those guidelines on treatment of patients with acute cholecystitis in our hospital was investigated. From January 2004 to July 2007, we treated 54 patients with acute cholecystitis using a cholecystectomy. Prior to the announcement of the guidelines, early surgery within four days of the onset of
symptoms was performed in 2 cases, while delayed interval surgery after percutaneous gallbradder drainage and after initial medical treatment with antibiotics was performed in 8 and 9, respectively. Following that announcement, early surgery was performed in 9 cases, with delayed interval surgery after percutaenous gallbradder drainage and after initial medical treatment with antibiotics performed in 7 and 14, respectively. Therefore, the number of cases
with early surgery for acute cholecystitis increased at our hospital as a result of the guidelines. Although one patient in the early surgery group required a re-laparotomy for retained cystic duct stones, there was no difference in
frequency of post-operative complications between the early and delayed interval surgery groups.

Key Words: Acute cholecystitis, Chinical practice guidelines, Early surgery,Delayed interval surgery.

平位 秀世  Hideyo Hirai


平位  秀世




Transcriptional regulation of myeloid development revealed
by the prospective identification of cellular components
Hideyo Hirai

   Hematopoiesis is a continuous process in which hematopoietic stem cells give rise to blood cells of all lineages throughout the life. Recent advances in FACS technology enable us to prospectively identify cellular intermediates
between hematopoietic stem cells and mature blood cells. In the myeloid lineage, granulocyte-macrophage progenitors and megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitors have been believed to share the common myeloid progenitor.
However, this concept is now challenged by new findings suggesting an earlier branching point for megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitors. To meet the demand for blood cells, cell-extrinsic and -intrinsic factor cooperate to regulate the differentiation and proliferation of hematopoietic cells. Of all these factors, transcription factors play the most central and decisive roles. PU.1 (Spi-1) is a hematopoietic specific Ets family transcription factor and the fine-tuning of the
expression level of PU.1 is a prerequisite for the maintenance of normal hematopoiesis. Three members of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein(C/EBP), C/EBPα, C/EBPβ and C/EBPε are required for the regulation of
granulocyte production during steady state and emergency. A better understanding of cellular developmental pathways will give rise to a better understanding of these transcription factors in myeloid hematopoiesis.
Key Words: Myeloid hematopoiesis, Transcription factor,PU.1, C/EBP family.

今井 昭人,ほか  Akihito Imai et al.


今井 昭人1,黒田 雅昭1,和田  誠1,中川 登2
吉田 憲正3,内藤 裕二4,吉川 敏一5


  患者は84歳の男性.主訴は上腹部痛.平成18年4月に近医で貧血を指摘され, 上部,下部消化管内視鏡検査を施行されたが異常なしと診断され,鉄剤の投与を 受けていた.平成19年2月末より上腹部痛が出現し,持続するため3月6日に来院し
た.来院時に腹部はやや膨満し,臍上部に軽度圧痛あり.上下部消化管内視鏡検 査では特記すべき所見なし.腹部造影CTで中等量の腹水貯留,大網の肥厚と小 腸の部分的壁肥厚を認めた.小腸壁の部分的肥厚部の大部分はほとんど造影さ れず,腫瘤内の粘液貯留と考え,癌性腹膜炎を伴った小腸粘液癌を疑った.小腸造影では空腸にapple core signを認め,空腸癌と診断した.早晩イレウスになることが予想されたため,小腸部分切除術を施行した.手術所見では黄色透明のゼラ

A case of primary mucinous carcinoma of the jejunum
with pseudomyxoma peritonei
Akito Imai1, Masaaki Kuroda1, Makoto Wada1,
Noboru Nakagawa2, Norimasa Yoshida3,
Yuji Naito4 and Toshikazu Yoshikawa5
1Department of Gastroenterology, Yamashiro Public Hospital
2Department of Surgery, Yamashiro Public Hospital
3Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science
4Department of Medical Proteomics, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
5Department of Inflammation and Immunology,
 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science

   An 84-year-old man came to our hospital because of epigastralgia and abdominal distension. Abdominal computed tomographic scanning showed a low-density mass at the jejunum with a moderate amount of ascites and omental cake. The margin of the mass was enhanced. Because double-contrast radiography of the small intestine showed an apple core sign, we diagnosed mucinous adenocarcinoma of the jejunum with pseudomyxoma peritonei. The jejunum was partially resected and the specimen showed ulcerative adenocarcinoma, measuring 4.0×4.0×3.0 cm in diameter with
pseudomyxoma peritonei. Histological examination revealed mucinous adenocarcinoma of the jejunum. Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of the jejunum with pseudomyxoma peritonei is very rare.

Key Words:
 Mucinous adenocarcinoma, Adenocarcinoma of the jejunum, Pseudomyxoma peritonei.